Visit to Taipei Rotary Clubs
On October 3, a delegation of 7 14th Weekly Updates Rotarians and Rotariann from RC Macau visited Taipei to join the 6th Charter Anniversary of Rotary Club of Taipei Diamond, the daughter club of our sister club of RC Taipei. Under party theme of ‘ Tropical Island ‘, everyone was enjoying new fellowship like moving butterflies. We met Rotarians from Hong Kong, RC Central and RC of Taipo. Every club sang a song during karaoke time with PP Peter leading us to sing “上海灘” a hit Cantonese song in early 80’s.
On October 4, we together with the two HK clubs jointly hosted a wonderful Japanese lunch to thank our Taipei clubs. As the restaurant was owned by PN Queenie of RC Taipei Diamond, the ‘all you can eat’ food served was simply sumptuous. Check out the photo of Fatima with the huge crab from Hokkaido.
The warm fun fellowship continued through to the evening when we attended our sister club RC Taipei’s 66th anniversary ball “ Roaring into Gatsby 20’s’. Souvenirs were exchanged and RC Taipei Diamond gave us a beautiful Chinese calligraphy painting by their PE Bingo. RC Taipei gave us a limited edition SAKE which I will bring to our next meeting for a sip hopefully by all present.
One more good new is RC Taipei has kindly given each of our members a T shirt which they made especially for their Rotary Day in July. We will distribute during our next meeting so please come to collect yours !
Meeting Highlights:
On the 11th October, 2014, we welcomed District Governor Belinda’s Official Visit to Macau Area 1. She was accompanied by DS Edward, AG YC, DS Heman, our AG Synthia and DDS Anna to meet our board to hear our club strategy and plans for current year. Valuable comments and advice were given. In the evening, a joint Area 1 dinner was held to welcome DG who made a very inspiring sharing of this Rotary year’s focuses, objectives and plans.
Club October Announcements
-October 16 (Thurs) 8pm for 8:30pm @Venetian; Speaker: District Vocational Service Chair – PP Silva Yeung; Topic: “What is Vocational Service”.
-October 23 (Thurs) 8pm for 8:30pm @Sands Hotel, Macau; Speaker: District Governor Nominee Eric Chin; Topic: “IT/Social Media in helping District and Clubs to engage members”.
-October 30 (Thurs) Halloween Social Night: Spirito Bar, Portofino Italian Restaurant, Venetian.
District Announcements
– October 21 (Tues) 12:30pm – District Vocational Service Seminar; Venue: Centenary Room, G/F, Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel, Harbour City, TST, HongKong; Topic: “The importance of audit in our society”; Speaker is David Sun, B.B.S.J.P.Esq., Director of Audit, Audit Commission, The Government of HKSAR. There is no fee payable and the attending Rotarians are required to pay for their own luncheon fees, at $300 by cash at the reception.
-October 24 (Friday) 6:30pm Rotary Club of Aberdeen Inauguration Ball; Venue: InterContinental Road, TST, Hong Kong.Theme:”007 James Bond”.
-October 24 – World Polio Day. We are only ‘This Close to end Polio’. So if you wish to donate to Rotary Foundation End Polio worthy cause, you can do so easily on RI website with online credit payment. Or you can inform PE Elizabete who will happily do this on your behalf.
-November 30 (Sunday) Rotary Happy Run 2014 – 8km; Starting Time: 8:00am @Shatin Sports Ground. Enrollment Deadline Nov 5; Rotarian enrollment fee: HKD$1000.
(If you are interested, please let me or Secretary Stella know, we will email you further information).
Thank you and see you on Thursday at Venetian, 16th October, 2014 at 8pm for 8:30pm.
Yours in Rotary,
Kevin Lei
President 14-15
RC Macau