Welcome to the 17th and 18th weekly update!
It is with great happiness that I would like to start by congratulating our PN Li Ying, who was elected during the November 5’s Club Assembly to be at the helm of our Club for Rotary Year 2022/2023.
PN Li Ying, who was proposed by the Board, received the overwhelming unanimous support of all Rotarians present and represented by proxy.
The decision taken during the Club Assembly is very significant as the Rotary International President for that very same year will also be a woman: Jennifer E. Jones, of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario.
Rotarians also approved the Club Plan and Budget for the current Rotary Year.
A total of 37 Rotarians, out of 46, were present or represented by proxy.
Just before the Club Assembly, we held our Regular Meeting, where we celebrated our November Birthday Stars.
On October 29, we hosted the 6th edition of the Halloween Social Night cum World Greatest Meal at Tromba Rija Restaurant, in Macau Tower.
77 Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, family and friends joined hands to raise funds to End Polio.
The contribution to the PolioPlus Fund was US$ 3,500.00, transformed in US$1 0,500.00 with the matching of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
This will allow the purchase and administration of 17,500 vaccines.
You may see more photos on this Facebook post: Facebook
As you all know, our Club was unable to hold the Charity Annual Ball in the first half of the year.
Therefore, we are asking our members to make a one-off donation of MOP 3000 to finance the Club’s projects.
Most of our Rotarians have already paid this one-off donation, as well as the Club Dues.
Your commitment will enable the Club to go ahead with some of the projects which are at the core of the Rotary Club of Macau activity throughout its 73-year-long history.
Yours in Rotary
President João