Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!
(PE Liz remarks: our President Kevin is too modest to make his personal happy announcement that he became a 2nd time father on December 18 with the arrival of a beautiful darling 3kg baby daughter. Let’s join hands to congratulate P Kevin and Rotarianne Maggie  and convey our warmest regards to the new mother.)
District Governor’s December monthly newsletter featured our RC Macau “Light Up Rotary Great Gondola Grab” fund raising project under ‘Macao Flash’ and “15th Joy to the World X’mas Night” under ‘On the spotlight’ . Please see the attached file for your perusal. and I will print some hard copies to circulate in our next meeting.

Please find more pictures of these two events in or facebook: Rotary Club of Macau.

Meeting Highlights:

On the 18th December, 2014, last meeting of Year 2014 was held at Chiu Chow Restaurant, Hotel Lisboa with authentic tasty Chiu Chow dishes which was welcome by all present. Thanks to PP Ip again for always lending a hand with non-stop flow of good wine. Our Alumni Dorothy also joined us.

There is a District Resolutions meeting on Dec 30 ‘ to endorse a Resolution No. RC/3-2014 submitted by RC Hong Kong South to the 2016 Council on Legislation to request RI Board to consider recommending that Rotary International, all districts and clubs to become more Socially Responsible by adopting a standardize Environmental Policy and appoint a Rotarian in each Club to chair a Preserve Planet Earth Committee.’ Based on our club membership, we need to select two electors and act as proxy to represent/vote on behalf our club for during  the Dec 30 District Resolutions meeting.  PP Stella Kan and PE Elizabete were recommended as electors by the Board and the appointment was endorsed during the meeting.

Club December Announcements

December 24 (Tues) – 10am – 3D Innovative and Artistic Carnival at Hall A of the Venetian. This activity is to let the children from Cradle of Hope and Macau Mentally Handicapped Association are being participating in the carnival, a free fun Christmas in the morning of 24/12 before it opens to the public. There will be the world’s largest soft toy of 1.6 meters tall seated Mickey and Mini and lots of other Disney figures like Frozen for kids to take picture with and lots of game booths even suitable for teenagers to play with. presents for everyone. Rotarians and families are free to join. Rotarians can park at Hall E (please show RC Macau Logo in a A4 paper as attached).

    • December 25 and January 1 (Thursday) –Meeting Cancelled due to public Holiday
    • December 25 -28 – GuangXi Literacy and Poverty Alleviation Trip.
    • January 8, 2015 (Thurs)- 2nd Club Assembly of Rotary Club of Macau in Year 2014-2015.
    • January 15 (Thursday) Speaker: PP Marvin from RC Happy Valley ;Topic: Organic Farming
    • Thank you and see you at our 2nd Club Assembly on Thursday at Venetian, 8th January, 2015 at 8 for 8:30pm.

Please do mark your diary to attend this important Club Assembly for our club’s 1st half year review, 2nd half year plan and 2016-17 President Nomination.

Yours in Rotary,
Kevin Lei
President 14-15