On 23rd February, 2015, Rotary International will celebrate its 110th anniversary. Macao Post will issue the stamp theme “110th Anniversary of Rotary International” on 16th February, 2015. This issue includes one $5.50 stamp and one $12 souvenir sheet. The stamp design shows the portrait of Paul P. Harris, the signature project of The Rotary Foundation “End Polio Now” is the theme of the souvenir sheet. Rotary International is a spearheading partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, Rotary has been actively cooperating with international institutions, and immunizing more than two billion children in 122 countries.


The stamp designer of this issue is Mr. Ao Kuan Kin, and the text of the information brochure is written by Rotary International District 3450 (Hong Kong, Macao, Mongolia and The People’s Republic of China – Guangdong.

Thank you Macau Post bearing the cost for the design and production of the stamps. We also appreciate PP Florence for her kind offer in ordering the stamps, Rotarians in our club who are interested, please let me or Secretary Stella knows, we will order by group.

Our Cub was qualified by the District to be a Green Club on Feb 8, following our adoption of the Environmental Policy and completing one of the Green Club qualifying actions- carpooling to club meetings.

Meeting Highlights:

AG Synthia Visit – we have the 2nd visit from AG Synthia who shared with us updates from the District. She also reiterated one of DG Belinda goals is to hold net-meeting with members residing/ on business trips overseas periodically and our club would fit well to enjoy virtual fellowship with PP David, Rtn Thomas and Rtn Natasha.

PP Anita Stangl, Past President of Rotary Club of San Francisco, who is also President and Chief Executive Officer of Alliance of Smiles, visited us and presented meaningful projects in China, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Alliance for Smiles (AfS) was founded in October of 2004 by six members of the Rotary Club of San Francisco who had been involved previously with other cleft lip and palate organizations. The desire on the part of the Founders was to create a two-tiered program to not only send medical teams to sites to perform corrective surgery, but also to create Treatment Centers where the protocol of cleft treatment in the United States could be replicated

We also surprised PP Keith and his lovely wife Becky with a birthday celebration for his turning 75 on Feb 13. Keith generously shared his stories on reaching his 40, 50, 60 and now 75 and he was so proud to be involved in Rotary from his 60th birthday, thanks to PP Kazu,his proposer.

Box collection – $750.00


Club February Announcements

Feb 19 – No meeting due to Lunar New Year Public Holiday.

Feb 26 (Thurs) 7 for 7:30om China Plaza Restaurant, Spring Dinner

District Announcements

  • March 1 (Sunday) – District Rotary Day – Rotary HK Ultramarathon 2015 will take place at Lung Wo Road while the Rotary Carnival is at the adjoining Tamar Park. Race starts at 7:30am and Rotary Carnival starts at 10:30am.
  • Mar 15 ( Sunday) 3.30 pm – Dental Care for Elderly at Santa Maria Home
  • Mar 29 (Sunday) 12pm – Blood Donation Day, venue to be confirmed.

Thank you and Happy Valentine’s Day!

See you at China Plaza Spring Dinner, 26th February, 2015 at 7 for 7:30pm.

Yours in Rotary,
Kevin Lei
President 14-15
RC Macau