Welcome to the summer heat !

May 26 Club Meeting

Last week regular meeting was a normal one with 12 members and our regular guest Li Ying and PP Synthia’s guest Mr Pinto from TDM. Although a small group but we had much fellowship time and jokes from PP Choi, PP Keith and, of course, PP Ip’s 2 min one.

We were pampered with additional servings of cheese from PP Stella’s daughter Karen all the way from Sydney and most delicious custard pudding from IPP Kevin’s lovely wife, cake-baker Maggie. Thanks so much for enhancing our routine Venetian meals.

We had a pleasant surprise to meet Bill on our way out from the meeting. He is now residing in the UK but do come back to Macao periodically for his ‘garbage’ business.

Now, Bill, promise us you will drop by our Thursday meetings earlier , say 8.30 pm before your Sports Bar meeting as everyone miss you !

Kindly check out the photo attached to see how well and handsome our Bill is now.May26ClubMtg_BillPrescottVisit

Box collection : $600

Rotary International Seoul Convention ( May 29-Jun1)

PP Fatima, Pauline and I last night returned from Seoul after attending RI 2016 Convention , representing our Club. This could be one of the largest attended convention as it is expected to be close to 50K , though official statistics will be released shortly from the Host Committee. It was surely a big convention complex , much bigger than Sydney one and so much walking within the city these past few days that Fatima has tracked our walking progress daily which we look forward to sharing more with you all at tonight’s club meeting at Tromba Rija , Macau Tower . It was quite unbelievable number.

On May 30, we attending our twin club eClub One annual dinner which had RI General Secretary John Hewko as guest of honour and his speech emphasizes the forward mission of Rotary will be focus of :-

1. Membership
2. Polio Eradication ( we are only ‘This Close’)
3. Branding
4. Future Vision

We also met Mrs Suk Duk , founder and operator of Seoul Sun Duk Won Orphan Home for Girls who were sadly abandoned from at birth to a few months old. They have over the years taking care of over 600 orphans and some already reached 18 years old which Korean government do not support them financially so they are seeking for monetary support for these 18year old + girls to find appropriate accommodation while they look out for employment.

Our club contributed USD1000 to this humanitarian service project initiated by eClub One whose other twin club RC of Irvine also contributed USD2000.2016eClubOne_DinnerDonation_RIConvention

Please refer to the attached photo of cheque presentation and the lady on the left is Mrs Sun who runs the girls orphan home and the touching part is these girls has formed a Sun Duk Mission Choir producing CDs to raise funds and go around performing at suitable occasions. They sang beautifully during the dinner and so heartwarming to see all of their pretty young faces with happy contented smile.

I look forward to reporting more at tonight’s 44th Club Meeting and please do accept my heartiest thank you for your great support as we are expecting around 35 of you joining so I can report to you on my latest venture . A big thank you to PP Stella and PP Synthia for the very nice arrangement tonight.

So be seeing most of you tonight at Macau Tower’s Tromba Rija at 7.30 pm for 8.00 pm.

Yours in Rotary

Elizabete Fong
President RC Macau
