T2324EN Horizontal Logo




Pres. João Francisco Pinto

Immediate Past President

IPP Li Ying

Vice President

PP Elvo Sou

President Elect / Ball Chair

Rtn Calvin Kuang


Rtn Calvin Kuang


Rtn Constantino Mouzinho


PP Ip Pui Fai

Youth Service Chair

PP Matthew Wong

Youth Protection Officer

Rtn José Alves

Advisors of Rotaract Club of Macau

PP Matthew Wong and Rtn Alzira La0

Advisors of Rotaract Club of  University of Macau Students’ Union

PP Elvo Sou and Rtn Yuko Matsumoto

Community Service Chair

PP Fátima Santos Ferreira

Community Service Committee Members

Calvin Kuang, Denis Ic and Salie Lei

International Service Chair

Rtn Yasmin Chan

International Service Committee Members

PP Sam Ip and PP Kevin Lei

Club Administration Chair

Rtn Aris Tam

Club Administration Committee Members

Rtn Calvin Kuang

The Rotary Foundation Chair

PP Elizabete Fong

The Rotary Foundation Committee Members

PP Teren Cheong, Rtn Constantino, Rtn Denis Iec

Club Membership Chair

PP Synthia Chan

Club Membership Committee Members

PP Kevin Lei, Rtn Yasmin Chan

Public Image Chair

PP Li Ying

Public Image Committee Members

PP Stella Kan

Web Master / Social Media Chair

PP David Shelton-Smith

Preserve Planet Earth Chair

Rtn Salie Lei

Preserve Planet Earth Committee Members

Rtn Aris Tam and Rtn Andy Lam

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair

Rtn Jessica Lei

DEI Committee Member

Rtn Denis Iec and Rtn Winne Iong