Regular Meeting highlights:

Rotarians PP Keith, PP Fred, Mario and Ricardo are back from holiday and shared with us interesting encounters in their hometown. We were indeed busy in past 3 weeks with Indian social night, Joint Installation and RI President Gary Huang’s visit. Thank you, Mario, for bringing back a club banner from Rotary Club Da Praia during his make-up visit during his holiday.

Rotay Club Da Praia

The night’s Box Collection: $1000

1st Club Assembly highlights:

After declaring the end of the regular meeting, the first club assembly of this Rotary Year 2014-2015 was held. Following is a summary of the 1st Club Assembly while minutes of the assembly will be circulated in due course.

Sec Stella reported that there are 17 members present. 13 members submitted proxies, hence total no. of votes was 30 and based on 41 members, a legitimate quorum of over 70% was reached

-Assembly Chair PP Peter Kok, called to order and declared the start of the assembly meeting. PP Stella was appointed as assembly secretary to record the minutes of the meeting.

The agenda and minutes of last Jan 9 2014 club assembly were adopted.

President Kevin and Treasurer Ricardo presented this year’s club goals on Rotary Foundation contributions, membership, financial, and community services plan. The 1415 plans were voted in favour.

OUR CLUB IS A EREY ( Every Rotarian, Every Year ) CLUB NOW. Thanks to your generous contribution of USD100 to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund on Aug 21 through your annual club dues payment of  $6800 or $3800 ( with dinner fee), RC Macau is now recognized as an EREY club as well as a Foundation Sustaining Member Club. NOTE for those who haven’t paid your dues, the Club has contributed on your behalf first so I would urge for your co-operation to settle the dues ASAP via bank transfer, cheque or cash.

1415 Board with revisions on Public Image composition was voted in favour.

President Elect Elizabete reported on the Philippines Typhoon Haiyan home re-building project progress via Springboard, The 8 affected families which we sponsored had their homes rebuilt almost completed. Pictures and brief descriptions of each family were circulated and IPP Christophe of RC Makati North will visit these families in Oct and will further update us.

President Kevin reported on District Resolution No. RC/1-2014 – The Composition and Terms of Reference of the Nominating Committee for selection of District Governor Nominee Designate for RY 2017-2018 was resolved on 13th May 2014. 1 Past President and 1 non- President Rotarian from each area shall be voted to represent that area to sit in the Nominating Committee.  Our club board will discuss/agree on these two candidates from our club and update all members before submitting them to the District before the end of September.

Club assembly_2014_1

Club August Announcements

August 28 (Thurs): 2 students from Saint Paul School will share their experience from UK Summer Camp on Thurs regular meeting.

Sept 4 (Thurs): Meeting cancelled

Sept 5 (Fri): 7:30 pm Mid-Autumn Festival BBQ Party at Reflection Poolside Restaurant on 6/F, Sands Hotel, Macau. A sumptuous buffet, fun games, and karaoke await your prompt registration. Please sign up with Sec Stella and Club Administration Chair PP Choi ASAP ( your families and guests are most welcome. A standard dinner fee of $250 for Rtn applies.

District Announcement

Sept 27 (Sat) – DG Visit. Venue and time: TBC

Thank you and see you on Thursday at Venetian, 28th August 2014.


Yours in Rotary,

Kevin Lei

President 14-15

RC Macau