Dear Fellow Rotarians,
On 25th August, 2014 District Public Image workshop was held in Hong Kong, attended by PP Ip and PE Elizabete. Two distinguished ex-journalist from SCMP and TVB News shared tips on how to write PR story and take photos that would attract media editors interest/publication. 4 different workshops on Public Image will be held this rotary year.
On 26th August, 2014, District Rotaract Installation 2014-2015 was held at Hong Kong Science Park. Rotaract Club of Macau has been recognized to the following awards:
- The Outstanding Rotaract Advisor – PP Ip Pui Fai;
- The Outstanding International Service Project Award – The 12th Goodwill Ambassador Program;
- District Rotaract Representative Recognition – Rotaract Past President Alzira Lao;
- 5 Years Long Service Award – 10 rotaract members.
- Congratulations and Great job from Rotaract Club of Macau.
Regular Meeting highlights:
On 28th August, 2014, we welcomed the 2 students from Saint Paul’s School that our club sponsored to the Summer Camp in Manchester, UK. Ricky and Cherry visited Rotary International District 1280 and 1050. They were in Great Haywood, Albert Dock and Wales. They began the Summer Camp in Petty Pool meeting with other countries youngsters from France, Hungary, Turkey, Spain and Portugal. Both gave a very pictorial presentation of their trip experience, added with a pleasant surprise in seeing PP Ip and his better half inside some photos. PP Ip kept a big secret from us as he had a timely graduation ceremony to attend for his nephew and took the opportunity to visit them and meet with their host Rtn Eric and other fellow Rotarians from the local clubs.
It was a huge comfort to see Cherry and Ricky delivered a confidence-filled presentation in English which ended a Mandarin song singing, same as what they did during their farewell party in the camp. Equally heartwarming is to hear the very positive feedback and appreciation from the School teacher Mr Lai and Principal Alex on the valuable benefits this UK summer camp has on the chosen students.
Box Collection: $620.
Club August Announcements
- -Sept 4 (Thurs): Meeting postpone to Friday.
- -Sept 5 (Fri): 7:30pm Mid-Autumn Festival BBQ Party at Reflection Poolside Restaurant on 6/F, Sands Hotel, Macau. Sumptuous buffet, fun games, karaoke await your prompt registration. Please sign up with Sec Stella and Club Administration Chair PP Choi asap (your families and guests are most welcome. Standard dinner fee $250 for Rtn and guests applies.
-Sept 11 (Thurs) – Speaker: PDG Jones Wong talks about Rotary Membership Development and Retention.
Thank you and see you on Friday at 6/F, Sands Hotel Macau, 5th September, 2014.
Yours in Rotary,
Kevin Lei
President 14-15
RC Macau