Dear Fellow Rotarians
Last meeting was a cosy one as a few regulars  had other Thanksgiving celebration engagement and could not join us.
1. Attendance:       10( KC, Kevin, Guy, Stella, Choi, Peter, Ip, Synthia, Ricardo, Liz)
   Guest Speaker:     Reverend Thomas Dunseth, President , Concordia Welfare &
                               Education Society)
    Box Donaton:       $370
2. Highlights
Reverend Thomas gave an interesting introduction of origin of Thanksgiving and read us a paper by Abraham Lincoln.
– He also shared current  operation of Concordia School for Special Education , its achievements and challenges.  Concordia now has 151 students , managed by 81 special-training teachers. With increasing percentage of special needs children, Concordia important priority is on expanding school space and recruiting qualified teachers with a  heart.  
– P KC summarizes his recent visit to  Kln East club meeting and was greatly stimulated by the speaker and Rotarian from Taiwan . She spoke on using non-medicinal way to treat illness !
3. Announcements (TO NOTE)
  Cancel Dec 5 ( Thurs ) regular meeting
–  Dec 6 ( Fri ) Xmas Party for Mentally Handicapped children/adults and their parents at Venetian Ballroom A-F, Level 3 at 7 pm
–  Dec 12 ( Thurs ) AG Florence visit
–  Dec 19 ( Thurs)  Speaker young Niall from South Africa, winner of public speaking contest organized by Rotary South Africa
–  Cancel  Dec 26 ( Thurs ) regular meeting due to legal holiday of BOXING Day.
– Jan 9 ( Thurs ) 2nd Club Assembly ( notice and agenda to send out shortly)
Happy Festive December !