President Keith Pharis is back and already a busy schedule awaits us.

Our Installation last week together with the combined Rotaract Clubs of University of Macau Student Union Rotaract Club and Rotaract Club of Macau was held at the Venetian Resort Hotel and Convention Centre on Saturday 30th July. We were delighted with the enthusiasm of our young Rotaractors who had no trouble in organizing the event.

Pictures of the Joint Installation can be found here


P. Keith Pharis and CG JapanTuesday we held our first Joint Board meeting and Wednesday met with Honorary Member Yuji Kumamaru, Consul-General of Japan.

The Consul General paid members of the club a visit to present us with a Letter of Appreciation for the assistance our club provided for victims of the Japanese Tsunami and subsequent Nuclear Catastrophe. The CG described in some length the reconstruction effort being made and was able to report that in some areas at least, life was returning to the disaster stricken areas. However very much was still to do, and a new way of looking at disaster mitigation was being looked at rather than disaster prevention, as these had been overwhelmed by the forces of nature (ed. authors words).

So what will our new President’s duties be for the rest of the week? Thursday brings us our regular meeting at the Venetian, usual time. We need to advise our members of the forthcoming General Assembly 18th August. Plus we must now prepare for our District Governors meeting 26 and 27th of August.

So welcome back President Keith, and did we tell you about the District Conference in Macau next year?…