Back in September 21st, 2012, DG Kenneth and his team came for his official visit to Area 1, Macau. Him and his team met up with each Club’s Presidents and the Board Members privately during the day and by the evening, all 5 Clubs in Macau had a joint meeting. RC Macau has the most turned out which even included our 2 Rotaract Clubs (Macau and University of Macau Students’ Union). Our President KC presented our Club’s plan in “4 W’s + 1 H” which was very captivating and humorous. During that meeting, our Club also had 2 visiting Rotarians: Rotarian Andrew Sih from Rotary Club of Sydney CBD, Australia, District 9750 and Rotarian Hiromi Yoshida from Rotary Club of Kashihara, Japan, District 2650. Rtn. Andrew came with a mission in presenting a cheque of USD1,500 to our Club for the District Matching Grant Project of Water Purification in China whereas Rtn. Hiromi exchanged Club banner. 


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