Welcome to the 20th weekly update!
Last week, given the reduced number of registered Rotarians we had a Social Night at the Conrad.
Mr. José Carlos Matias, the Macau Portuguese and English Press Association Chairman of the Board, joined us.
He was invited as my personal guest and we also had the pleasure to listen from him about the humanitarian projects which this association has been doing.
It was a pleasure to receive Mr. Matias.

This week, we are going to try a new venue.
As you all know, we will have to move out of Sands China properties and the Club Assembly has approved a resolution allowing the Board to seek a suitable venue to continue our Regular Meetings.
Therefore, we have been talking with Sofitel Ponte 16 and, this Thursday, we are going to have our Regular Meeting there.
We are trying a 5-dish Western menu!

As you all know, the COVID-19 Pandemic has been causing havoc around the world.
One of the areas being severely affected is Mongolia, which is part of District 3450.
DG Eric is asking all Clubs in the District to support Mongolian Rotarians to fight against the Pandemic.
Therefore, the proceedings of this Thursday box collection will go towards this.
The Club will supplement your donations in order to reach $5,000 HKD.
As you all know, our Club was unable to hold the Charity Annual Ball in the first half of the year.
Therefore, we are asking our members to make a one-off donation of MOP $3000 to finance the Club’s projects.
Your commitment will enable the Club to go ahead with some of the projects which are at the core of the Rotary Club of Macau activity throughout its 73-year-long history.
Yours in Rotary
President João