1. You must be Logged in to do this.
  2. You must have editing privileges to do this, so President, Secretary, Webmaster for example

At the top of the page is a + New tab highlighting it opens a menu for Post / Media / Page /etc.

In nearly every case you will be adding a Post so select + New / Post

Now you see an editor which works in a fairly similar way to Word or many general editors.

On the Right is a column with Areas for

  • Publish
  • Categories
  • Tags

If you do not see these make sure they are selected in the Screen Options at the top of the page

Where the article will appear in the website will depend on which Category you use, you can be in more than one.  Normally this will be linked from a menu item, but Frontpage Category is special.
If you do not select a category you will be set automatically to Uncategorised.

Can you create a new Category, yes probably but I would check with the Admin first as there is probably no menu item for it.

If the article is to appear in a List of similar Articles (on this website ~ others sites may do things differently) then choose a Tag. Probably best to ‘choose from the most used tags’.

  • Use the Event tag if you want to appear on the front page Events section.
  • If you want to be a Presidents Message use the President Message tag.
  • If you want to be on the Front Page (we list a limited number of articles there) select the category Frontpage.

When you have finished your article you need to Publish it, afterwards you can Update it.

Perhaps you want to add some images? See the next How To.

There are several good video’s to guide you here are some links to watch.

wh-286Assuming we are going to use the WordPress Editor most of the functions are described here:

and remember Log In First.

Check Youtube for online instructions.You-Tube-130x130