Dear Fellow Rotarians

Time for the last meeting ( Aug 15 ) highlights:-

Present ( 14 members) : KC, Kevin, Stella, Choi, Ricardo, Ip, Gary, Synthia, Maneiras, Peter, Fatima, Fred, Mario and Liz

Guests ( 2 ) : Thanks to Synthia and Kevin for their invitation and arrangement

Ms Gloria Tsang , Educational Psychologist and Music Therapist working with Heep Hong Society in HK. Our speaker on ‘Music Therapy and Autism’

Ms Nicole Chan, Director-General of Macau Autism Association ( MAA)

Happy Donation: $400


•President KC reported on July meeting attendance rate of 44% considering it was summer holiday month. He also complimented the 12 Rotarians with 100% attendance ( Andy, Choi, David, Liz, Fatima, Florence, Ip, KC, Kevin, Peter, Stella and Synthia). Sec Liz reminded that members who are travelling overseas can make up attendance also through interactive activity with our website for at least 30 minutes in the week before or after the meeting that he/she is going to miss physically. PP David was diligently practising this channel now he’s working in Brunei.

•We were also happy to welcome back Mario who has been busy with business trips and Thursday classes in the past months. Hope to see you more often Mario if you are not travelling outside of Macao.

•On District: a sad news announcement of the passing away of Mary Elena, wife of Past R.I. President Cliff Dochterman on Aug 9. Cliff Dochterman was R.I. President for 1992-1993 with theme ” Real Happiness Is Helping Others”

Guest Speaker on ” Music Therapy and Autism”

•Of course, our evening was greatly enriched with the inspiring talk from our Guest Speaker Gloria ( Her bio is attached for reference ) . She shared with us :-

•- The growing incidence of autistic children in big cities around the world and the lack of professional and financial aids to conduct early identification of autism on affected kids and ongoing treatment in HK and more so in Macau.

•- there are many treatment therapies for Autism but with her experience, Gloria believed that music therapy is one of the most effective and approachable ways to communicate with autistic children and is also comfortably accepted by parents.

•- Macau Autism Association estimated that there are around 4000 autistic cases in Macau , needing qualified diagnosis and treatment.

•The Board is studying feasibility of this focus as one of our 1314 service projects and will keep members posted. Meanwhile,we welcome your comments to our Service Project Chair , PE Kevin.

FuHong ‘ Building the World’s Largest Soap Mosaic ‘ event – breaking World Guinness Record

•A BIG Congratulations to PP Fatima as yesterday this FuHong Society charity event was certified by a Guinness representative for breaking the World Record. And well done and thank you to our Rotarians who took part in building part of this impressive HUGE Soap Mosaic. ( Check out the photo gallery for photos)