Promoting Peace Through Rotary

Peace HK 2024 03 25 at 22 35 51

Insights from the Rotarian Action Group for Peace in Hong Kong Last week, President Joao and PP Liz were honoured to attend the Rotarian Action Group for Peace event in Hong Kong. It was a truly inspiring experience, bringing together Rotarians, Presidents and PDGs who are dedicated to promoting peace and making a positive impact […]

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Promoting Peace and Understanding: Joint Presidents Meeting in Hong Kong

13March2024 JPM 1

Joint Presidents Meeting in Hong Kong Yesterday, (12th March 2024) at the Joint Presidents Meeting in Hong Kong, I had the honor of representing President Joao and our club. It was a momentous occasion as we received the Peacebuilder Club Recognition Banner from the Rotarian Action Group for Peace (HK). Recognition for Peacebuilding Efforts The […]

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