Dear Fellow Rotarians

We had a truly youthful club meeting on Thursday with 5 young students from St Paul’s School and their teacher , Mr Lai joining us. Adding to the 16 Rotarians and 5 guests ( Fatima sister Maria, our last wk’s speaker Perry Lam, Fred’s wife Sonia and two guests of Guy), we had a high  27 attendance !

Our two UK summer camp students Ricky and Cherry gave us a very warm introduction of themselves and how they look forward to a resourceful  2-wk learning trip to Manchester, UK in July.  St Paul’s students from our sponsored  summer camp in 2012 and 2013 came to support them.  Looking at how these students matured and spoke  with confidence after their summer camp was so heartwarming. To quote their teacher Mr Lai:’ It has been a life-changing experience for them’

ET also shared with us on his visit to Art Basel exhibition in HK last week. ET has always been our source of art and culture knowledge reinforcement. Thank you ET.


Club Announcement

– Jun 5 club meeting cancelled

– Jun 19 Charter Night at Fat Siu Lau. We have 28 members and guests signed up already ( including even Jose Neves , our alumni). If you wish to join , please email or text Elizabete soonest to reserve seats. PP Ip promised you pot wine ( 1947 year?) and delicious signature dishes.

District Announcement

–  President -Elect Kevin and a few incoming club officers together with Incoming Area 1 AG Synthia attended today’s  District Training Assembly. There was an Area competition on most effective  club plan.  IAG Synthia of our Area 1  presented an interesting topic on gambling impact on family life and won for us  ‘ The Best Engaging -Family Service project “.

-July 4 District Installation ceremony + dinner in HK Regal Airport Hotel. . Each ticket is HK$1188 for early bird price and proceeds will support Vocational projects for the District.  If you are interested, please obtain more details from P KC or myself .

Tomorrow May 25 is our Honorary Member , Anabela birthday. Please join me to wish Anabela a very happy birthday blessed with love, joy and peace !