PDG Barney Koo paid a visit to our club on May 26th  and gave a great talk on the problems in Australia and New Zealand, the tasks facing Rotary for the future and how we can get involved in a currently taboo subject ‘Mental Health’. His talk raised many interesting points and we can see that apart from an exchange of visitors, Rotaract Ambassadors, we also share some common experiences in the rehabilitation of families and survivors from tragedy. This meeting also gave our Club the opportunity to pass our help to the earthquake relief effort for Christchurch New Zealand. We hope this help will as Barney suggests reap additional benefits from Rotary Dollars, and bring additional benefits to those who need it most.


Barney and his wife Lorrraine were able to spend a little more time with us through the day and were well looked after by PP Stella and President Teren.

We were also delighted to have met Assist. District Trainer from Dist 3070 Amrit Pal Singh who is visiting from India. We extend a warm welcome to you and your district.
