August is ‘ MEMBERSHIP MONTH’ so please bring your friends or business associates to join our club meetings and enjoy our wonderful fellowship.

Last evening we had a cosy regular meeting with 16 members and happy to welcome back PP Fred after his long summer holiday. He has one good piece of advice is to join the TAP train travel to tour Europe as we may be as lucky as he and Sonia to be given a free resort-like hotel stay and 800Euros free spending money just because of being bumped off the train due to overbooked!


Our sergeant-at-arms Andy was enjoying himself, especially with the new SAG sash I ordered from Taiwan. Check out his photo attached. Good job, SAG Andy.

A gentle reminder that next Thurs meeting ( Aug 12 ) will be AG Dora’s first visit to our club so please avail yourself to join to hear her sharing of Rotary and District updates.

After the box collection of $550, the regular meeting was adjourned.
1st club assembly of this Rotary Year 2015-16 started at 9.20 pm

A quick recap of the club assembly while appointed assembly secretary PP Stella will be sending out respective minutes in due course.

  •  Thanks to Club Assembly Chair PP Peter for his able leadership, the assembly was efficiently and effectively held with a qualified quorum ( 16 members present and 19 valid proxies)
  •  1516 Club Plan and Budget were presented by President Liz and approved.
  •  Last year 1415 final financials report was presented by Treasurer Ricardo and noted.
    • ( I am attaching herewith a copy of these presentations for your kind reference, especially for those who were absent )
  •  A proposal to increase 1516 annual club dues from MOP3800 to MOP4000 was presented and approved. The prepaid dinner fee of MOP3000 remained unchanged.

Reminder: With this year’s annual club dues being approved, may I remind all members to kindly pay your dues of MOP7000 ( club dues + dinner fee) or MOP4000 ( club dues only if you select to pay your dinner fee at each meeting ) if you have not done so by following channels:-

1) Pay by bank-in deposit – to Club BNU account X (contact secretary)

( Please please remember to email or WhatsApp your deposit slip marked with your name to Ricardo and Stella to facilitate our proper record and avoid chasing you unnecessarily)

2) Pay by cash or cheque to Aris when you come to meetings. ( Please remember to get your payment receipt from Aris).

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support to the Club you may be pleased to note that we have to pay for our RI and District Dues for this year already.

Club Aug Announcement

  • – Aug 8 ( Sat): Gondola- sponsored Macau Down Syndrome children’s hobby classes to start.
  • – Aug 13 ( Thurs ): AG Dora Lei Visit
  • – Aug 16 ( Sun ): Dental Care visit to Santa Maria Elderly Home with IPP Kevin and PP Choi
  • – Aug 20 (Thurs): Speaker PDG Jones on’ Membership & Retention”
  • – Aug 27 ( Thurs ): Speaker: Rotaract Club Goodwill Ambassadors

District Aug Announcement

– Aug 14 ( Fri): Vocational Visit to Qianhai, Shenzhen ( for details, pls check with P Liz)

Thank you for your patient reading and look forward to seeing most of you next Thurs ( Aug 16 ) at the Venetian to meet AG Dora and her two DAGs IPP Kevin and IPP Crystal.

Yours in Rotary

Elizabete Fong
President 2015-16
Rotary Club of Macau

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