We are approaching the Mid-Autumn Festival and gearing up to celebrate it this Thursday, at the Roosevelt Hotel’s Chinese restaurant.
We still have a few (not many) seats available.
So, you, your better half, and your families are welcome to join and may register for this meaningful celebration on the Club’s WhatsApp group!

We had quite a busy Saturday with lots of activities.
Let us start with the Chinese Lantern workshop hosted by Fuhong.
Rotarians and families spend a productive afternoon learning how to produce lanterns which will be on display this Thursday, decorating the venue at the Roosevelt Hotel.
Thanks to Fuhong for hosting this workshop!

Our Interactors joined the Macau Urban Sustainability and went into the streets to clean up the city.
In the morning, they were busy at the Old Taipa narrow lanes, while, in the afternoon, the cleaning-up efforts took place around the Saint Paul School.
Besides cleaning up the streets, Interactors were busy distributing flyers to local shops, highlighting the importance of recycling and maintaining a clean atmosphere in the urban landscape.
Rotary Alumni Marc Vernaeve talked to Interactors about the importance of preserving the environment.

On Saturday some of us took part in the Public Image Seminar, organized by District 3450!
The seminar was held online and included sessions on how to use social media to connect, how to look smart at online meetings, and how to take good action photos.

During the PI Seminar, it was launched this year’s edition of the People of Action Photo Competition.
Our Club is ready to make the first submission with this photo of IPP Ip showing his commitment to helping women migrant workers’ babies.
During last Thursday’s Regular Meeting, I asked IPP Ip and Rotarian Li Ying to share their experience precisely on this service project developed with the Rotary Club of Penha.
Together we donated a large number of diapers and baby formula which will help women migrant workers with newborn babies.
We also took a look a new photos just sent from the Rotary Club of Pokhara Fishtail regarding the reconstruction of Prithvirupa Secondary School, which was destroyed by an earthquake.
We have already transferred our donation of USD 5,000 It is good to see that we can help with the education and literacy of children in places such as Nepal.

Finally, Rotarian Yasmin received the Outstanding Rotaract Advisory Team Citation 2019-2020 from my hands and IPP Ip.

We also welcomed back Rotarian Sergio who finished his 14-day quarantine.
As you all know, our Club was unable to hold the Charity Annual Ball in the first half of the year.
Therefore, we are asking our members to make a one-off donation of MOP 3000 to finance the Club’s projects.
This one-off donation, as well as the Club Dues, can be transferred directly to the Club’s BNU bank account.
Alternatively, you may also do it via bank cheque or cash by coming to our Regular Meeting.
Your commitment will enable the Club to replenish its coffers and go ahead with some of the projects which are at the core of the Rotary Club of Macau activity throughout its 73-year-long history.
Yours in Rotary
President João