Welcome to the 14th/15th weekly update!
First of all, forgive me for missing out a couple of weeks of this informal newsletter.
From a professional point of view, it has been an incredibly busy time for me, thus this delay.
So, let me start by announcing that this evening we are having a guest speaker in our Regular meeting.
Ambassador Carlos Frota, a well-seasoned Portuguese retired diplomat will talk to us about Peace.
The topic is “We are all Peacebuilders”.
Do join us in person or, if unable to attend, via Zoom from 8:45 onwards.
The details are on the flyer displayed below.

I would like also to talk about our Halloween Social Night cum World Greatest Meal.
October 24 is World Polio Day and this is our way to contribute to the global fight against this disease.
Our End Polio fund gathering is taking place next week, Thursday, October 29, at Tromba Rija. Macau Tower has agreed to partially sponsor the meal
Do bring your family and friends for a night of fellowship and action which will lead to the eradication of polio in the world.
Registration will soon be made available via our WhatsApp group.
Regarding our most recent activities, I would like to start reporting on DG Eric Chak’s visit to our Club.
The online visit took place on October 15 by and the DG team included AG Crystal, DS David, DS Alexander, DAG Elizabete and PDG Jones Wong.
We had the opportunity to report on the service projects which we have already completed and the ones we are now working on. We also reported on our contributions to the Rotary Foundation as well as issues regarding membership, relation with our Interact and Rotaract clubs, etc.
It was a fruitful and productive visit!
Many of the items reported during the DG visit are listed in the article our Club published in October’s DG Newsletter which was published last week.
You can read it on this link: Link
Earlier, in October’s first meeting, we received the virtual visit of a group of Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Pokhara Fishtail.
PP Binod reported on the activities of the Rotary Club of Pokhara Fishtail with a special focus on their projects related to education.
They also would like our Club to continue to support their projects in the future.
I would like to remind our fellow Rotarians that we have donated USD 5,000 for the reconstruction of a secondary school destroyed by an earthquake.
PE Matthew also reported on this trip to Jinghua at the invitation of the Central Government Liaison Office.
He brought lots of goodies for us to sample some of the traditional snacks from that region.
Finally, we wished a happy birthday to all our October Stars.
Meanwhile, our Club’s Peacebuilder Certificate has just arrived.
I will take it to this evening’s meeting for our members to see it.
The Board has been discussing the use of a name badge during our Regular meetings. Rotarian Li Ying did an excellent work choosing these brass name badges which we all can proudly use during the meetings.
All of you have one with your name on, ready to be used…
One more note to let you know that we already have the backpacks for the participants of the Membership Seminar have arrived.
Those who took part in the seminar may pick up your backpack and also a copy of the District.
As you all know, our Club was unable to hold the Charity Annual Ball in the first half of the year. Therefore, we are asking our members to make a one-off donation of MOP 3000 to finance the Club’s projects.
This one-off donation, as well as the Club Dues, can be transferred directly to the Club’s BNU bank account.
Alternatively, you may also do it via bank cheque or cash by coming to our Regular Mee0ng. We are also preparing the Club Assembly which is scheduled to take place on November 5. To ensure your full participation, please pay your Club Dues within the next few days. If you have done so already, please disregard this reminder.
Your commitment will enable the Club to replenish its coffers and go ahead with some of the projects which are at the core of the Rotary Club of Macau activity throughout its 73-year-long history.
Pocket Planner during Thursday’s regular meeting.
Yours in Rotary President João