Welcome to the 16th weekly update!
We are all gearing up for the Halloween Social Night cum World Greatest Meal.

So far, we had a great response from Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors with around 80 people registered.
This is our Club’s End Polio fund gathering.
Thanks to the sponsorship of Macau Tower, part of the meal fee will go towards ending polio around the world.
Therefore, we won’t deduct the meal price from the dinner fee.
See you all tomorrow at Tromba Rija.
Also related to World Polio Day, which took place on October 24, RAC Macau will be hosting the End Polio Webinar with Rotaract Clubs from the rest of the world!
The event will take place at 10 am this coming Saturday (31 Oct).
The main goal would be to strengthen awareness and enhance the public knowledge of the public on End Polio.
The speakers will be Dr Tigran Avagyan and Dr Vinod Bura who are from the reputable World Health Organisation to share their valuable knowledge of #endpolio or similar diseases with you.
DG Eric Chak will also participate and give an opening remark on behalf of Rotary International District 3450.
You may join on Saturday via Zoom:
Regarding our most recent activities, I would like to start by reporting last week’s talk of Ambassador Carlos Frota on the subject of Peace.
Under the topic ‘We Are All Peacebuilders’, Ambassador Frota, himself an Alumni Rotarian, gave a passionate speech about how Rotarians have contributed to creating peace and stability around the work.
There was also a passionate Q&A session where Ambassador Frota replied to multiple questions about how to establish a peaceful environment through education, economic development, health, job creation, etc.
The session was followed by Rotarians in Hong Kong via Zoom.
One more note to let you know that we already have the backpacks for the participants of the Membership Seminar have arrived.
Those who took part in the seminar may pick up their backpack and also a copy of the District Pocket Planner during Thursday’s regular meeting.
We are also preparing the Club Assembly which is scheduled to take place on November 5.
Your commitment will enable the Club to replenish its coffers and go ahead with some of the projects which are at the core of the Rotary Club of Macau activity throughout its 73-year-long history.
Yours in Rotary
President João