The official visit of DG Peter Pang was held successfully yesterday with meeting our Board in the afternoon, followed by Macao Area Joint Club Dinner at the Venetian. Very encouraging participation indeed from our club with 21 Rotarians and two guests ( lovely wife of PP Guy and Rtn Pedro) plus 10 Rotaractors.

A touching highlight of the evening was DG Peter’s personally presenting a letter of appreciation to each of the members with over 10 years of service with Rotary on – stage with an opening remark of ” I would like to salute you for your long years of service in Rotary”. I am so proud to report that out of our 43 members, we have an impressive 29 such long service Rotarians and 4 over 40 years ( PP Maneiras, PP ET, PP Choi and PP Peter). DG specially recognized PP Maneiras as he approaches his 50th year anniversary with the club with a Rotary cap. ( please check out the attached photos. Due to file size, rest of photos has been uploaded onto our website photo gallery).

Understand some of our long-service members was unable to attend last night dinner so we have kept your DG letters of appreciation for you when you next come to our regular meeting.

Another highlight of the evening was new member induction ceremony and we are so excited that our rejoining Rotarian Christian Audroing was inducted and pinned by DG. Welcome back onboard our ‘ fun, fellowship and free-giving’ Rotary family, Christian ! We all look forward to your joining us to ‘ Service Above Self’ and ‘ Be a Gift to the World’.

Now, two club announcements for your kind noting :-

  • This week’s regular meeting ( Nov 19, Thurs) venue will change to Macao Tower Lua Azul Chinese Restaurant as Venetian venue is fully booked.
    • Meeting time remained unchanged at 8 pm for 8.30 pm. Please come join us as we have invited President Cathy and her community service director Matthew of Rotaract Club of Macao to come share their ‘ We are this Close’ to End Polio community service programs .
  • Nov 26 ( Thurs) meeting is rescheduled to Nov 24 ( Tues) as Area 1 Joint Club Meeting :-
    • – Speakers: PDG David Harilela and DGN HW Fung
      – Topic: ‘Rotary Global Reward Program ‘ and ‘THE ONE HK’ Humanitarian Service Award Program
      -Venue : Peking Road Holiday Inn Chinese Restaurant
      -Time: 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm
      – Dinner Fee: MOP280

Thank you for your attention.

Elizabete Fong
President 2015-16

