Hohoho ! ​May Christmas spread cheer, joy and peace in your families and wishing all of us is a ‘ festive gift ‘ to our loved ones and those less fortunate and in need.
Understanding most are busy with their X’mas engagements at work and home this week, hence, so happy for those who joined last night club meeting for a mini-X’mas celebrations. ( Check out the attached photo !)

Thanks to PP Ip for his brandy and port , PP Aris for her delicious chocolate pretzel all the way from the States and Venetian’s cheese platter. It was like a mini buffet table for grown-ups and kids. The RI Seoul Convention ( May 28-Jun 1) was discussed as we will form a delegation and with the help of PP Synthia , we may organize a side-trip to Busan. So anyone who is interested to join, stay tune for more details or you can express your interest with PP Stella first.

This meeting box collection is $600 , thanks to PP Fred and PP Peter’s top-up.
We all have been missing PP Choi for a while so here’s a short video from him wishing all a very Merry Christmas ! Please join me in wishing Choi a very speedy recovery and be home soon to spend Christmas and New Year !


Club Announcement

  • – There is no meeting on Dec 24 and 31 due to festive holidays.
  • – Jan 7 2016 ( Thurs) – our 1st meeting of 2016 and it will be a regular meeting
  • – Jan 14 ( Thurs) – Speaker PP George Li, District Chair of Preserve Planet Earth on topic ‘ Sustainable Seafood ‘.
  • – Jan 21 ( Thurs) – 2nd Club Assembly so please mark your diary to attend to hear President’s report for 1st half Rotary Year and plan for 2nd half year. Meeting notice, agenda and last club assembly minutes will be sent out shortly.


District Announcement

Jan 30 ( Sat ) – District Fellowship Portugal Night at Portuguese Consul General residence ( previous Bela Vista hotel). Details of dinner fee and program to be advised very shortly.

Thank you for your patient reading and be seeing you all in 2016 , first meeting on Jan 7 ( Thurs ) at the Venetian.

Merry Christmas to you all and our dear Alumni too !

Yours in Rotary
Elizabete Fong
