Welcome to the 27th weekly update! January was Vocational Month for Rotary. So, on Saturday, January 30, we organized a Vocational Visit to Fuhong’s Restaurant followed by lunch where we enjoyed some excellent Portuguese food. We had the opportunity to taste dishes such as codfish with cream, and baked fish duck rice among many others…
Just before the visit, Fuhong organized an Energy Tower workshop.
10 people registered for the workshop in which they learned how to craft a piece of art using orgonite, a source of natural energy.
On January’s last Regular Meeting, held as usual in our new venue – Sofitel at Ponte 16, I had the pleasure to pin PP Fred with PHF+8 sapphires. This is a recognition of PP Fred’s generosity and support to the Club.
We also had a guest from PN Li Ying, Mr See Kam Tan, a lecturer at the University of Macau.
We also shared the latest photos of the reconstruction of Prithvirupa Secondary School which our club supports with a USD 5,000.000 donation.
The names of our Club and also the Rotary Club of Taipei and the Rotaract Club of Macau will be displayed in the school, whose construction will be concluded by the end of February.
Finally, via PP Florence, we received news about our sister club, Kyoto Evening Rotary Club.
They tell us that, given the current pandemic, their meetings are still held in a quiet key atmosphere.
As you all know the “Rotary Sing For Fund” online concert is going to take place on March 27.
I am sure we are all looking forward to listening to PP Elvo and his band during the concert.
Donations will be accepted up to February 28 and all money raised will go towards the Cradle of Hope.
Still a few notes about upcoming events!
On February 18, the 7th day of the Lunar New Year we are having our Lunar New Year Fellowship gathering at the Plaza Restaurant.
Make sure you bring your family for this happy moment in our Club’s life.
… make sure you prepare your red envelopes for our Rotaractors, Interactors and Children. Registration starts today.
On March 18, right after our Regular Meeting, we will convene the Club Assembly for important deliberations.
Registration, minutes of the previous Club Assembly and agenda will be circulated later.
I would like to remember all that, all Rotarians should have their Club Dues properly settled to participate in the Club Assembly.
And, I finish this weekly update with sad news.
PP Gary’s wife, Molly, passed away on Monday.
On behalf of all Rotarians, I drafted a condolence message to PP Gary expressing our solidarity in this difficult moment.
May Molly rest in peace!
Yours in Rotary
President João