We have 12 Rotarians and 6 guests joining our Thursday club meeting and it was an overjoy to see Kowie with us although we know he has been supporting ‘behind the scene ‘ all our Club’s activities with his Macao Daily Times. Thank you so much Kowie and we do wish to see you more often in future.
A huge note of thanks to Kowie also and Dr Robert Kirby for selecting our club as one of the two beneficiaries for this year’s Sands Chins ‘Macao Eco Trailhiker’ fundraising hike to be held on Oct 29 (Sat ). Dr Kirby introduced us details of the event and corporations/ organizations are most welcome to form teams to participate . Some suggested to have our senior Rotarians as a team and PP Choi reacted that to form a 4-queen team too ( guess who are the members of these two teams?). Stay tune for more details of this exciting meaningful annual fundraiser which is already in it 9th year running.
Rtn Trent also came with his TIS student Costa who shared with us an interesting video of their recent outbound education trip to Guam and visit to RC of Guam. Thanks for bringing back their club banner.
Box collection : $1000.
Upcoming Club Meetings Announcements
– Jun 2 ( Thurs)- Speaker Rtn Pedro on ‘ Travel thru Portugal with its wine’. So mark your diary to come and sample Pedro’s beautiful wine collection.
– Jun 9 ( Thurs)- No meeting due to Dragon Boat Festival
– Jun 16 ( Thurs)- Fat Siu Lau Charter Night.
It was 69 years ago same night that our club held meeting at Fat Siu Lau, so pls sign up with PP Stella and bring along your families to celebrate this fun fellowship evening with Port ( courtesy of PP IP) , roast pigeon, soufflé and other signature Portuguese dishes.
Finally, if you want to spend a meaningful Sunday afternoon tomorrow, please come and support our Rotaract Club of Macau’s ‘This close to End Polio’ 0-Olympic bazaar, at St Paul’s School from 2.30 pm – 5 pm. There will be games, lucky draw and charity sale to help raised fund for ‘ End Polio’.
Thanks for your kind reading and look forward to seeing you next Thurs, May 26 at the Venetian 8 pm for 8.30 pm.
Yours in Rotary
Elizabete Fong
President RC Macau