Welcome to the 4th weekly update!
On Thursday, we had a total of 18 Rotarians and Guests attending the Club’s regular meeting. Among the guests was Andrew, Yuko’s better half.

On zoom, we were gathered by PP Stella, PP Liz, and PP David.

Thursday was particularly significant as we also had the pleasure of welcoming Rotarian Wolfram Diener, who is currently based in Düsseldorf. Wolfram updated us on his activities as a Rotarian in Germany and also how the country is coping with the COVID-19 outbreak.
During the meeting, I took the time to reflect on the Rotary International President’s message for August.
I believe there is one key thought in Holger Knaack’s message: «The increase in membership is meaningless if next year, those new members leave our clubs».

Clubs need to be flexible and find avenues of service that are engaging.
And, I also strongly believe, that Clubs also need to serve Rotarians by providing opportunities to learn more!
That is exactly the reason I have invited an expert in public health communication to be our speaker in August’s first meeting.
Since 2014, Vítor Moutinho has been working with the Health Bureau Director handling communications for the Portuguese and English media.
He will talk to us about how effective communication is important during this pandemic.
During our meeting, we also witness IPP Ip’s recognition as Outstanding President by the District as well as the recognition of our Club for its outstanding achievements during Rotary Year 2019-2020.
IPP Ip deserves our congratulations for his leadership in such challenging times. And, once again, our Club has proved itself capable of achieving objectives and providing services to our community.

We also finally received the certificate from Guinness on the official participation on the great event of Fuhong in making “The World’s Largest plastic cup mosaic”, which took place on December 15, 2018.
The largest plastic cup mosaic (image) was 116.08 m² and was achieved by Fuhong at the Macau Forum in Macau, China, on December 15, 2018.

The mosaic consisted of a total of 22,650 cups (9,863 light yellow; 1,604 orange; 1,154 rose-red; 1,929 red; 2,705 yellow; 3,476 blue; 896 green; 276 light green; 311 pink, 436 light blue) all of which were donated to NGO’s and charities after the event. The mosaic contains images of local landmarks, including The Kun Iam Statue, Lotus Flower in Full Bloom, and the St. Paul Ruins.

This week, we are going to have a Social Night. It is going to take place on Thursday at the Varandas Restaurant located at the Roosevelt Hotel in Taipa.
The registration is currently ongoing on our WhatsApp group. Please register before Wednesday evening.
Before we go, I leave you with a glimpse of our menu on Thursday prepared by Conrad’s culinary team.

Yours in Rotary
President Joao