Dear Fellow Rotarians,

The official visit of D.G. HW Fung was held last Saturday, 23/9. Our Board meeting with DG was in the afternoon, followed by Area 1 ( Macau) joint clubs dinner at Plaza Restaurant.

During the dinner, we have a souvenir to DG. MC for the night was Phoebe Pang from RC Macau Central and Filipe de Senna Fernandes from RC Macau.

From our club, we have 14 Rotarians and no Rotaractors cause DG will have a meeting with them the next day in the afternoon, after lunch with area presidents.

Announcements :

  • 1- Today’s regular meeting was postponed to 29/9 with the venue changed to Tromba Rija, Macau Tower G/F. It is the Mid Autumn Festival – Social night. Most of you have already registered with our Club Administration Chair PP Choi/PP Stella, for those who have not please do it.
  • 2- 5-8/10 Trip to Taipei for Friendship Club – RC Taipei Diamond Annual Ball. Please register with IPP Sam Ip
  • 3- 14-15/10 Trip to Taipei for sister club RC Taipei 69th Annual Ball ” Oscar night”. Also, register with IPP Sam Ip


It is all for today.

Pres. Fatima