15 of us joined IPP Sam, PPs Choi, Stella, Synthia, Maneiras, Fred, Ip, Kevin, Rtns Margaret, Andy, Ignacio, Li Ying, Aris, Marc and his rotarianne Peggie. Choi’s guest -Katherine, Ip’s guest – Thomas Dunseth, club executive secretary Kula and 4 members of Rotaract Club of Macau ( IPP Mathew and the Good Will Ambassador of this year ).
Last meeting speakers IPP.Mathew presented his participation at APRRC ( Asian Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference) this year at Phuket. He shares the good moments. Also, share the District Rotaract Conference this year organized in Macau. They are very happy about the good attendance despite the bad weather. The GWA ( GoodWill Ambassador ) shared the trip to Nepal and gave a good presentation.
UK Summer Camp students depart for Manchester last Friday -14/7 for two weeks with one at the Petty Pool Camp and another homestay with Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Sandbach. We ( me, PPS Ip, Synthia Stella and Rotn Ignacio) saw them off at the ferry terminal. Their principal Fr. Alex was also there to give support to the students and their mothers.
PP Ip shared Eric’s mail informing the students that Sérgio and Jenny had arrived safely.
Our club’s first social gathering – celebrate French National Day. We have as in previous years a very good fellowship. I could not participate due to family matters but heard from Choi the dinner was very good with nice wine, cheese and paté.
Please pay attention and put on your diary the 1st Club Assembly oh this Rotary year is on 3rd August. Please come to discuss the club plan we have tho this year and comment on the report of last year that IPP Sam will present. If you can not come to this Assembly make sure you give your proxy to someone who attend and let Secretary PP Synthia Chan know by email, WhatsApp or text message. Please come.
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