Rotary focus in April is ‘ Maternal and Child Health’ and part of our giving to the Rotary Foundation will be doing good towards this cause.

On the subject of our club’s donation status in 1st 9 months of this Rotary year, I am most happy to share that we together contributed USD12,900 to TRF’s Annual Fund and USD4000 to PolioPlus Fund, making our club’s per capita donation at USD300.
We also attained EREY and Sustaining Member Club status, thanks to every member’s minimum USD100 contribution.

Apr 7 meeting highlights

Last night’s meeting was a truly multi-nationalities night ( check it out from the photo enclosed) with 16 members and:-

– visiting Rotarian and our dear Alumni, Lee Thomas, now with RC Lancaster, South Carolina.
– visiting Rotarians from Nabari city, Japan ( coincidentally the hometown of Yuko’s mother)
– PP Guy’s charming mom
– Ms Li, guest of PP Gary who is teaching at UMAC.


– Our guest speaker District Governor Nominee-Designate Y C Ho took us on an intriguing Chinese history journey from 1840- 1911.
– Thanks to Yuko translation, we were introduced to Nabari city’s famous Ninja, ebis beer and tasty grapes ( even heart-shaped and banana-shaped! ). PP Keith had an excellent opportunity to practice his Japanese although, to me, he sounded like an original. Our Japanese friends gave us a big bottle of Sake which we should sample in the next meeting.
– Thanks also to Lee Thomas who brought us back in time to the early days of our club by wearing our Club pin and member’s badge which most of us have not seen before. We are so impressed, Lee.
-Box collection: $1,220

Club Announcement

– Thanks to Rtn Pedro, Rotarians can enjoy a 10 % discount at Tenis Civil restaurant and Portus Cale @ Macao Jockey Club by simply presenting your Rotary membership card.
– Apr 14 ( Thurs) – Speaker PP Mitzi Leung on ” UNESCO and YOU’. PP Mitzi is last year’s District Peace Committee Chair
-Apr 28 ( Thurs) – Speaker Rtn Yuko on ‘ a topic’ which she will keep a secret first
– May 7 ( Sat) – 69th Anniversary Ball. Ball tickets started to be distributed last night so please come to the next meeting to pick up your minimum 5 tickets@$800 each. One table of 1- px is available at $7000. Hurry and support your Club and Ball Chair PE Sam.
Kindly note: please bank in all Ball payments to BNU account – 9005 169 083 and send the deposit slip to Ball Treasurer Rtn Perry and Secretary Stella.

District Announcement

– Apr 23 ( Sat )- District Training Assembly (DTA) which we have 10 of us enrolled already
– May 14/15 (Sat/Sun)- 56th District Conference at Hengqin Chimelong Bay Hotel. We have 16 registrations now including spouses and families. Please check out my earlier mail and sign up soon if you are interested.

Thank you for your patient reading, as always. Be seeing most of you next Thurs, April 14 to hear PP Mitzi talk about UNESCO and Peace at 8 pm fellowship 8.30 pm dinner meeting at Venetian.

Yours in Rotary

Elizabete Fong
President 2015-16

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