Dear Fellow Rotarians
We have a very meaningful fellowship meeting last week with AG Florence and DAG Nicola paying their first visit to our Club and we are the first club they visited in Macau. KC, Stella, Kevin, Fatima, Synthia , Choi, Maneiras, Peter, Ip , Andy and Liz, the regulars were all there. Fatima and KC were busy pampering us with all the goodies they brought from Portugal to taste.
We do hope to see most of you resuming your attendance after the summer break so you won’t miss all the latest news on our District , Club and our fellow Rotarians. We are also so blessed with two frequent guests attending – visiting Rotarian Anthony Sieow from USA and Natasha, guest of Synthia. Box collection was $970.
Highlights :-
-Club Matters
1. President KC gave a very interesting audio-visual report on his RI Convention trip Part 1 ( he kept his Part 2 report on post-convention wine&dine tour to next mtg, so don’t miss it, come this Thurs!)
2. President gave vote of thanks to all Rotarians for joint efforts in attaining District’s recognition of for outstanding achievement in 2012-13 for:-
Silver Award for Highest number of nomination to Rotary THE ONE Bronze Award for New Generations Award
( Special thanks for PP Stella, PPFatima & PP David SS for THE ONE and PP Ip, PP Stella, PP Keith, PE Kevin, Elvo & Sam Ip for NEW GEN. Attached picture of the award plague for those who did not attend the mtg)
3. PP Ip will share Annual Ball financial report in next mtg . He reminded that there are still around 16 members not yet paid for the ball tickets and he will follow up with them individually.
4. New rotary year club dues $3000 and dinner fee $3000 ( Total $6000) are due for payment. Janet and Ip were the first to pay their dues during the meeting , thank you ! Believe MSAR Govt Cash Fund $8000 already reached most of us, so a very worthy cause to share this fund for your Club dues NOW!
5. KEY DATES TO MARK YR DIARY and confirm your attendance directly to my email at your earliest convenience. This will greatly help our seat arrangement:-
Aug 8 Thurs- Joint Installation Ceremony/Dinner ( Venetian )Aug 22 Thurs – 1st Club Assembly ( Venetian)Aug 29 Thurs – Social Night ( Tentative Curry at Westin )Sep 6 Fri – DG Eugene Visit to Area 1
6. Taking opportunity of Boxing Event at Venetian with Rotary Manila 101 Club IPP Manny Pacquiao as one of the players , our club will have a brief mtg + photo session with President KC exchanging flags with IPP Manny on Sat July 27. KC will be accompanied by 4 of our ‘ macho ‘ male members ( Kevin, Elvo, Teren, Sam Ip)
– District Matters
1. AG Florence shared with us a very inspiring and informative ppt presentation with brief introduction of Rotary Clubs, their service projects and famous Rotarians in our District 3450 in the past 80 years ! AG Florence, so grateful for your relentless googling efforts so we can learn a lot more about our District and their worthy deeds. A touching moment came when a slide on our Club’s 2003 Tsunami Relief Drive with over 60 tons of relief materials donated from all over Macau, even earlier than the govt and other NGOs ! PP Choi enlightened us with the full story behind this memorable activity.
2. D3450 redistricting to include Guangdong province received ‘ good idea’ comments from members, hence, our club welcomed and endorsed this District initiative.
3. Our Board and Club supported nomination of PP Stella to be Area 1 Representative to 2016/17 DG Nomination Committee. Relevant submission to RIC will be completed by President KC on behalf of RC Macau.
Thanks for your patient reading of this club update and do come this Thurs if you are not out of town for more updates and fellowship !