We had very good attendance last Thursday, 21/7 to welcome back IPP Liz who specially flew back from Hanoi to give us her 2015/16 financial report at the Club Assembly.
IPP Liz presented a souvenir to PP Peter to thank him for his dedication and excellent work done as Club Assembly Chair in the past years, who then, performed his last duty to elect his successor. His young successor, PP Filipe was duly elected by acclamation.
Pres. Sam presented his Club Plan and financial budget for 2016/17. His new Hip Hop project which echoes the District one, though arouse much explanation and discussion, was passed smoothly.
We also had some interesting and happy argument on the issue of increase of dinner fee. It was almost a unanimous vote. Now it is resolved to increase to $280/meal inclusive of free flow of wine. Our Club dues and dinner fee remains the same at $7,000 with $4,000 being Club dues and $3,000 being dinner fee for 11 meals (while before covered 12 meals). Our new Assembly Chair PP Filipe performed his first duty very well.
Contact Stella for Bank Details for Club Dues
Venue changed to Sands Macau
Meeting Venue Change tomorrow 28/7
All function rooms of Venetian are fully booked tomorrow and we will change our meeting venue to Sands Macau, NOT on Cotai Strip. Aris will text you the exact location tomorrow.
Joint Installation 5/8
Our Joint Installation with our 2 son Clubs, Rotaract Club of Macau and Rotaract Club of UMSU will be held on 5th August at 7.30pm at the Venetian. We will have our 3 new members, Joao, Pinto, Li Ying and Marc Vernaeve inducted on the evening also. What a great start for a new Rotary year! We will have 3 more pairs of new hands joining us to ‘Serve Humanity’. Please let me know if you can join us on 5th by whatsapp asap or return email. We need the no. for ordering the dinner.
Look forward to seeing you tomorrow at Sands Macau!
Yours in Rotary
Hon Secretary
RC Macau