At our Last meeting
We had 4 Rotaractors from RAC Macau and RAC Umac reports to us on the Guangxi trip on 24~27 December 2016 at the last regular meeting. Rtn. Pedro also told us about the fellowship he gained as a visiting Rotarian to the three Rotary Clubs in Portugal while he was on holiday during his term break earlier. It was a great way to train our Rotaractors to drink. img_8943a

We had 4 glasses of drinks for the meal. Apart from the usual red wine, we had Rtn.img_8944a Li Ying specially brought the famous chestnuts fried in hot sand to go with the jeropiga Angelica, PP Ip’s 30-year-old Port and Rtn. Pedro’s whisky. Visiting Rotarin Christian Gurtner from Rotary Club of Singapore West, who is the General Manager of the Ritz Carlton stationing in Macau now, visited our Club for the first time and found our Club interesting, friendly and enjoyable.

Meeting this Thursday – 19/1
This will be a regular meeting as the Club Assembly is now rescheduled to 9/2 and this will be our last meeting of the year of the Monkey.

NO meeting next Thursday – 26/1
As many members might have their family reunion dinners on the day (年廿九), the Board decided to cancel this meeting on 26/1

Good News
Congratulations to IPP Liz who just joined the Grannie Club last Saturday with a 7.3 lb grandson coming to this beautiful world, both the newborn and mother are in excellent health. The newborn baby boy is in time to receive ‘laisses’ from his uncles and aunties and we are looking forward to the ‘ginger and vinegar’ too!

Mark your dates

3/2 (Fri) – Rotary Spring Dinner at Plaza Restaurant
9/2 (Thu) – 2nd Club Assembly
12~18/2 – The Rotary Foundation Centennial Celebration Exhibition at Macau Tower
16/2 (Thu) – Speaker: PDG David Harilella on ‘The One and Rotary Global Rewards’
25/2 (Sat) – Blood Donation Day at Flower City Garden, Taipa
6/5 (Sat) – 70th Annual Ball – ‘Born This Way’
27~28/5 (Sat~Sun) – District Conference at L’ Hotel Nina et Convention Centre, HK
TBC – Speaker: PDG Ada Cheng on ‘Public Image’

With kind regards
Hon Secretary Macau

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