Last meeting – Rotary Birthday – 23/2

We celebrated Rotary’s 112th birthday last Thursday. We played the video of Incoming RI President Ian Riseley announcing his presidential theme of 2017/18 – Rotary: Making a Difference. The video of the news clip of the Rotary Foundation Centennial Exhibition and the press conference of the Rotary Blood Donation Day was also played. We celebrated the February birthday boy, VP Keith for his double 7 and also birthday girl Rtn. Margaret. Please see the happy faces in the attached photos.

Rotary Blood Donation Day – last Saturday, 25/2

Despite the cold weather of only 8 degrees and with drizzles in the morning, the Rotary Blood Donation Day which was the Macau area project, chaired by us this year, was a great success. This area project of the big family of Rotary in Macau with all Rotary Clubs, Rotaract Clubs and Rotary Community Corps (RCC) is in its 15th year since it was started by PP Alfredo during his presidency in 2002. The Blood Transfusion Centre announced that there were 50 registrations and 40 successful donors. There should be at least 1 RH- donor, as she claimed herself and is yet to be confirmed by BTC, from Holland who learnt of our blood drive through the media.

We must give special thanks to Rtn. Joao’s support in helping with a very good coverage in the media. We had at least 2 students led by their guardian Carmen from The International School who successfully donated this year. Thanks for the connection, Trent. We are well supported by our fellow Rotarians: Chirs, Ignacio, Li Ying, Fatima and myself who successfully donated. It’s a pity that Yuko could not donate cos she returned to Macau less than a month later. Thanks, Elvo, our MC, Synthia, Andy and our Rotaractor – Kula.

You will be proud to see the attached video, made by Li Ying of the successful event.

Meeting today

Will be held at Venetian, Florence Room 2301. See you later!

Mark your dates

  • 30/3 (Thu) – Speaker Michael Best of UN University – Computing and Society
  • 6/5 (Sat) – 70th Annual Ball – ‘Born This Way’ at Venetian
  • 27~28/5 (Sat~Sun) – District Conference at L’ Hotel Nina et Convention Centre, HK
  • 10-14/6 RI Convention at Atlanta


Hon Sec
RC Macau