Sorry for not having sent out any updates last week. I am making it up now.
Meeting 18/5 – Speaker from YMCA
We are trying to target some youth projects for the coming year, hence we invited staff from the YMCA to introduce us to projects that we may consider to support. They introduced us to the project of “YM Channel”, the mission of bringing youth voices and perspectives to the community through internet radio broadcasting. The objectives are to develop the youth’s potential and accessibility to multi-variate activities and to cultivate the youth’s optimistic-mindedness and introspective abilities.

Meeting 25/5 – Speaker – Consul General of Peru
We donated US$5,000.00 for the recent flooding relief of Peru from the wine sales and silver sponsor MGM of the 70th Ball. We invited Mr. Sergio Avila, Consul General of Peru to speak to us about the disaster and also for the cheque presentation ceremony. The CG told us that this kind of flooding happens every 10 years and now may be more frequent due to climate change. Please find below the link to the Macao Daily News of the press release of the donation presentation ceremony.
同時,來自香港的皮斯可酒供應商Hew Foods Limited為此次活動捐贈了大量皮斯可酒(PISCO),用以調製秘魯一種傳統雞尾酒 “CHILCANO”,於周年晚會中義賣。
在澳門扶輪社的幫助下,籌款活動順利完成。在五月廿五日晚上,扶輪社於例會上舉行了善款支票交接儀式。秘魯駐港澳總領事館總領事塞爾吉奧 · 阿維拉(Sergio Avila),澳門扶輪社社長Sam Ip,澳門亞太拉美交流促進會理事長魏美昌,以及扶輪社的會員和嘉賓等一同出席活動。
秘魯駐港澳總領事館總領事塞爾吉奧 · 阿維拉感謝澳門扶輪社、澳門亞太拉美交流促進會、各位捐贈人及所有參與此次活動的人士。是次通力合作的善行,正好顯現出大愛可以把不同地方、不同國籍的有心人連繫起來為有需要人士作出貢獻。
Rotary Asia Pacific Latin America raises funds for Peru
Group photo of Macau Rotary Club regular meeting
Rotary Asia Pacific Latin America raises funds for Peru
[News from this newspaper] Recently, due to the abnormal climate caused by the El Niño phenomenon, Peru has suffered the most serious floods in decades, causing serious casualties and economic losses to the affected areas. With the strong support of the Rotary Club of Macau, the Macau Asia-Pacific and Latin American Exchange Promotion Association (MAPEAL) and the Consulate General of Peru in Hong Kong and Macau held a fundraising event at the 70th anniversary charity dinner and dance of the Rotary Club of Macau in early May to alleviate the disaster in Peru. Seek support from the local community.
At the same time, Hew Foods Limited, a pisco supplier from Hong Kong, donated a large amount of pisco (PISCO) to this event, which was used to prepare a traditional Peruvian cocktail “CHILCANO” and sold for charity at the anniversary party.
With the help of the Rotary Club of Macau, the fundraising event was successfully completed. On the evening of May 25, the Rotary Club held a donation check handover ceremony at its regular meeting. Sergio Avila, Consul General of the Consulate General of Peru in Hong Kong and Macao, Sam Ip, President of the Rotary Club of Macau, Wei Meichang, Chairman of the Macau Asia-Pacific and Latin American Exchange Promotion Association, as well as members and guests of the Rotary Club attended the event. .
Sergio Avila, Consul General of the Consulate General of Peru in Hong Kong and Macau, thanked the Rotary Club of Macau, the Macau Asia-Pacific and Latin American Exchange Promotion Association, all donors and all those who participated in this event. This collaborative act of charity just shows that great love can connect caring people from different places and nationalities to make contributions to those in need.
Macao has always upheld the spirit of mutual aid and contributed its share to those in need; it also hopes that the victims of the Peruvian disaster will overcome the difficulties and rebuild their homes as soon as possible.
Vietnam Fellowship Trip 19~22/5
Thanks to the wonderful hospitality of IPP Liz, the delegation of 14 Rotarians and Anns led by Pres. Sam had the most enjoyable trip.
Mark your dates
May 19-22 – Vietnam Trip
May 25 (Thu) – Speaker: Peruvian Consul General on Peru Flooding Relief
May 27-28 – District Conference at L’ Hotel Nina et Convention Centre, HK
Jun 10-14 – RI Convention at Atlanta
Jun 15 (Thu) – Charter celebration at Fat Siu Lau
Jul 8 (Sat) – District Installation at HK Convention and Exhibition Centre