Dear Fellow Rotarians

It was a cosy fellowship club meeting yesterday which I was chairing in the absence of President KC who was accompanying DG Eugene  on his Mongolia visit and VP Stella who was attending the District Foundation Committee meeting in HK.  Thanks for PE Kevin support throughout the meeting.

We were so excited to welcome back PP Keith  and PP Ritchie and his lovely wife Anabela after their long vacation. PP Keith was holidaying for 4 months which made all of us so envious.  He updated us on his beautiful daughter Julia’s wedding experience in Paris and how happy she was to find her dream wedding gown in her own hometown shop. Keith’s also enticed us with the Lisbon tour, its excellent wine and dine and the  hospitable arrangement that Ricardo had arranged throughout the journey.  Looks like another Lisbon tour is in the drawing board with Ricardo as the unrivalled travel planner/guide.

PP Ritchie was away for 2 months , happily lazing around his Portugal hometown with Anabela and visiting their 18mths grand-daughter. They also spent some time in Berlin which was a wonderful rich experience of castle-touring and visiting Hitler’s workplace and where he committed suicide.

Our fellowship evening turned out to be a very interesting travelogue experience , thanks to PP Keith and Ritchie


We also welcomed  our old friend , visiting Rtn Shirai-san and her guest  Onuki-san who joined  us right after arrival  from Japan.


Rotarians – 9  ( Ritchie, Keith, Ip, Choi, Gary, Maneiras, Kevin, Andy and Liz)

Guest –       2  (Anabela Ritchie, Onuki-san)

Visiting Rtn- 1 (Shirai-san)

Box Collection:  $380

Highlights of announcement :-

– Aug attendance with 5 meetings was 41% and 100% attendance from Florence, David SS, Ip, Stella and Liz

– Coming Sep 19 is mid-autumn festival so club meeting will be cancelled and reschedule to BBQ social night on Sep 21 ( Sat ) @7.30pm @Hac Sa Café Norman’s place. Pls enroll with Choi if you have not done so as this will be a great fellowship evening with rotaractors from RAC and UMAC and families and friends.

– Sec Liz reported that she has received on Sep 3, 2013 a new member proposal from Rtn Sam Lei for Natasha Tome whom most of you knew her well with her regular attendance to our club functions. This will be presented to the Board on coming Board meeting on Sep 21 for review/approval.

– Sec Liz also read out letter from DG confirming selection of PP Stella Kan as Area 1 representative to DG2016-17 Nomination Committee .

– A brief introduction to Rotary new logo and corporate guidelines based on District’s presentation was made

–  2014 District Conference and RI Sydney Convention details were promoted.

Happy Moon Festival to you and your family! And see you on Sep 21 BBQ night !