Last Thursday was the first meeting of new Rotary year 2017-18. A big welcome to “Rotary: Making a diference” year.
I am the 71st President of our club and it is a heavy responsibility to follow the good works of our PPs. Don’t need to go to far we have IPP Sam Ip and his team achievements – 11 community services, almost one per month.
PP Gary sends his best wishes to me and the board from Sydney, Australia.
In this first meeting, we have 18 members, 2 rotariannes ( Amy and Eugene), PP Choi’s guest ( Katherine – Stella’s daughter) and 2 guest speakers ( YE UK Summer Camp students ).
We have 4 generations of Club executive Secretary: Amy, Katherine, Aris and Kula.
The students Sérgio and Jenny introduce themselves and explain their expectations and the preparation made for the trip. They will depart next week 14/7 to U.K. Summer Camp.
We celebrate the July birthdays: me-6 , Rtn Andy-14 , Rtn Ignacio-18 , PP Ip-19 and Rtn Aris-20 . We share the birthday cakes ( one is from PP Kevin’s wife – delicious ).
Inform the members about the French National Day Celebration :
– will take place on July 15 -Saturday
– at Sofitel 6/F Baccara Ballroom
– MOP 480/person or MOP3800: table of 12
– members interested were invited to sign a list that was passed around. If other members are interested in joining and not present at the meeting please contact PP Synthia Chan.
Box collection was MOP 2730
Announce the date of the Joint Installation between the Rotary Club of Macau and Rotaracts Clubs of Macau and UMSU on 12/8.
We toast to the Rotary Club of Macau, to Rotary District 3450 and to Rotary International.
I was formally installed last Saturday 8/7. A delegation of 11 from our club attended District Installation and Rtn Phillip Lai was inducted.
The delegation includes me, IPP Sam and his Amy, PP Stella, PP Ip, PP Synthia, PP Florence, Rtn Aris, Rtn Ignacio and Rtn ( to be) Philip.