The Guangxi Project is coming to its 20th year. There have been some challenges in communicating with the government in DuAn. After further communication with the Chinese Liason Office, the arrangement this year is to have the Rotaract Club of the University of Macau to organize the trip.  I will be leading the trip in the capacity as the university staff. Now we have been given a green light to go, and there are now 29 Rotaractors going. The dates are Dec 20-23. As usual, the Rotaractors will take the 12-hr bus.

Well done and thank you, everyone, for putting this project to a good and glorious full stop. Especially our IPP Elvo for all your effort and involvement in this trip, also PP Stella and Rtn Yasmin. Thanks also to the Rotaractors. I will post some of the photos to the A1 President group.