GuangXi Du’An Schools project

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Service Projects
Footbridge Project for Guangxi Du’An
Mountain Village
In 2011, Rotary Club of Macau received a request from GuangXi Du’An United Front Department for assistance in replacing a single-plank bridge with a more durable concrete footbridge for local villagers and students.
We then joined with the local government of Du’An County to begin construction of the concrete bridge. The new bridge spanned 5 meters
at the only straight section of the mountain path, as a daily commute passage for approximately 100 villagers and students. Without the bridge, the walk would be three times longer.

Guangxi Schools
Since 2000, Rotary Club of Macau together with the Rotary Club of Kowloon North, Rotary Club of Taipei North, Ama Rotary Club
in Nagoya, and Macau Catholic Social Services, has built a total of 7 primary schools and 1 middle school in remote mountain villages in Du’An County, GuangXi Province, with dormitories, labs, playgrounds, and reservoirs. We also provided the middle school with facilities for multimedia classrooms and computer rooms.
Since then, Rotaractors from Rotaract Clubs of Macau organized regular fundraisers contributing to school fees, stationery and books for students in Du’An and the Rotaract Club of University of Macau Students’ Union joined in also since its establishment in 2008. We arrange visits for Rotaractors, as well as students from Macao, to have cultural exchanges with Du’An students.
We have also provided oral health education and checkups together with volunteer dentists from Macao. With the mobile dental units, students and villagers were able to receive dental treatments.

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2019 visit to Du’ An, Guang Xi

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The Guangxi Project is coming to its 20th year. There have been some challenges in communicating with the government in DuAn. After further communication with the Chinese Liason Office, the arrangement this year is to have the Rotaract Club of the University of Macau to organize the trip.  I will be leading the trip in […]

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Macau Students UK Youth Exchange

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RC Macau sponsored Students join international exchange students.

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21th Weekly Update


Our report on the UK Summer Camp highlights, our two sponsored students Cherry and Ricky from St Paul School our Adopt-a-School I am happy to announce that PP Stella Kan and PE Elizabete Fong were voted as Area 1 elected members of the nominating committee for District Governor 2017-2018 in District 3450.  Meeting Highlights: We welcomed our old […]

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True Colours ~ Rotary Club of Macau and Schools in China


Rotarian Sam Ip, presented his video from his first trip to the Schools project in DuAn Guanxi China at our Club Assembly this week at the Conrad Hotel Macau.   For many Rotarians who have recently joined us and may not know of this project. The video provides a great work that our Club has […]

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An Interview with Bill Benter

Bill Benter

I was about to turn 40 when I joined Rotary. The timing was perfect. I’d wandered into a profession, computer software development, where I was disconnected from any community. I was developing a somewhat complex database program for betting on horse races, based on 70 variables for each horse that enabled me and my colleagues […]

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2011 Trip to GuangXi

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In December 2011 our Rotarians and a team of Rotaractors visited our school projects in Du’An County. In particular, we wished to see the completion of the new bridge which we have helped the people to build. The bridge is to provide a route for the children to return to their homes and save hours […]

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Single Plank Bridge

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I received a request from Guangxi for building a concrete bridge for students of Yong Ping and the villagers.  According to their report/proposal below, the cost of the concrete bridge is RMB30,700 and they are requesting us to support RMB28,000 and the rest will be from the local government. I will be joining the Rtc. UMac to go to […]

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Love Filled the Yao Mountain – Forward

The Rotary Club with its present name “Rotary International” is an international service organization. It was first advocated and founded by the American lawyer Paul Harris (1868-1947) in Chicago,  Feb. 1905. Initially, “One member from one walk of life” was the principle of the enrollment. As time goes by more and more people were drawn […]

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Love Filled the Yao Mountain – Hearts with the Yao county

Du’An is located in a mountainous area where the natural conditions are extremely difficult. It is one of the extreme poor counties in China. Because of the shortage of public finance and for a long time insufficient investment in education, many schools in the villages are in poor condition. Some classrooms are even about to […]

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Love Filled the Yao Mountain – Letter of Thanks

Distinguished presidents and all the respected members of The Rotary Club of Kowloon North in Hong Kong, Rotary Club of Macau and Rotary International, For many years, your hearts are with DuAn. Your generosity has donated as much as 10 million RMB to help build DuAn Ethnic Experimental Middle School and the seven primary schools- […]

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Love Filled the Yao Mountain – Preface

  When Mr Lan Qin Wen and Mr Choi Sai Hong, Mr Wei Ben Da, Ms Jian Pei Wen, past Presidents of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong and Macau, and others visited Du’An in scorching summers and frigid winters, when arrays of compatriots from Hong Kong and Macau came a long way to the […]

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