Attending the New Member Orientation Seminar at the Macau Tower

Last Saturday morning, I had the opportunity to attend the New Member Orientation Seminar at the Macau Tower. The seminar was led by Past District Governor Eric Chin, who shared a wealth of valuable knowledge about Rotary and its various initiatives.

One of the key messages emphasized by PDG Eric Chin was that Rotarians are people of action. He highlighted the importance of getting involved in Rotary’s action groups, which connect Rotarians from around the world and enable them to make a positive impact in their communities.

The seminar was also enriched by the presence of CP Bee and PP Peter Pang, who travelled from Hong Kong to share their insights and facilitate the orientation. Their presence added a valuable perspective to the discussions and created a sense of camaraderie among the attendees.

One of the highlights of the seminar was witnessing the induction of a new member, Shirley, into the Rotary Club of Pehna. It was a joyous moment as we welcomed Shirley into our Rotary family and celebrated her commitment to service.

Sharing Experiences and Building Connections

During the seminar, our President-Elect Calvin also had the opportunity to share his experiences as a Rotarian. His insights and anecdotes added a personal touch to the discussions and inspired the new members to get involved and make a difference.

PE Calvin Kuang

Joining Calvin on the panel were CP Kent, PP Paul, IPP Mimmy, and the newest member, Shirley. Each panellist brought their unique perspectives and expertise, creating a dynamic and engaging environment for learning and networking.

Overall, the New Member Orientation Seminar at the Macau Tower was a great way to spend a beautiful Saturday morning. It provided valuable insights into Rotary’s mission and connected us with fellow Rotarians who share our passion for service. I look forward to applying the knowledge gained and making a positive impact in my community as a Rotarian.

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