Dear Fellow Rotarians

Wishing you and your beloved family a very Joyful Christmas and a New Year filled with love, happiness, peace and great health !      

1. Highlights

Our last club meeting of 2013 on Dec 19 was, indeed, a warm  evening to cherish with many young visitors from overseas joining us to celebrate the happy holiday season!

First , we had Niall Higgins, the 17 year old public speaking winner from Rotary South Africa, who gave us a very impressive and inspiring talk on ‘ how to change the world’. Not only can he articulate well his thoughts , he can sing very well too. For those of you present who wish to refresh and those who missed this meeting, please click on the following youtube video  link to enjoy:-

You Tube Link

Another highlight of the evening was a brilliant  performance by London University King’s College Choir of 25 young choral scholars , led by Choir Director David Trendell.  Their voices are like angel from heaven and all of us were like magic-struck with celebrated songs from the 16th-century English and Spanish repertoire as well as Xmas carols. Following is the video link of their xmas caroling  greetings to our fellow Rotarians:-  

You Tube Link

We are grateful for PP Arun of RC HK and his lovely wife Christine for bringing such fantastic guests to our meeting.  Of course, we were extremely excited that we have IPDG Kenneth, CDS Eric, AG H W, PR Deputy Chair Nancy and P and IPP from fellow clubs joining us. Adding to our club’s 25 Rotarians and their guests, our total attendance was over 60 !  The Venetian Sicily room was filled with laughter, singing, chatting and festive fellowship. Please visit our club website photo gallery to see who’s who there.  A BIG thank you to Elvo and his dear better half Eugene for capturing all the meaningful moments on pictures and video.

I also like to convey our appreciation for those generous Rotarians who sponsored dinner fee for the King’s Choir scholars.

2. Announcements

Note there is no meeting this Thurs ( Dec 26 ) and regular meeting will resume on Jan 2 , 2014.

Please please mark your diary to attend our 2nd Club Assembly on Jan 9, 2014 ( Thurs ) at Venetian.  I will send out reminder with minutes and agenda shortly.

Happy Holiday and see you all in 2014 !