Dear Fellow Rotarians:

We had our district installation on July 5 in HK Regal Airport Hotel. It was a great night for me to receive the sash from our IPP KC with Synthia, Elizabete, Florence witnessing this memorable moment together with me. During that night, our new Rotarian Perry Lam was inducted by our District Governor Belinda Yeung, he was one of three to represent the whole district to be pinned by our DG.

A total of HKD 5 million was raised that evening which included all the dinner fees was donated to HK Vocational Training Council (VTC). This organization is the largest vocational education, training and professional develop group in HK. VTC provides valuable training for some 250,000 students each year through a full range of pre-employment and in-service programmes with internationally recognized qualifications. I am certain that this funding will mean a lot to these young people.

Bank of China hosted a Charity Bowling Tournament on last Saturday Jul 6. Aris Tam, our executive secretary, together with other Rotary clubs in Macau formed a team – “Rotary Stars” to join this bowling tournament, we were so closed to get some award. All the money raised will be donated to Macau Deaf Association.

Meeting Highlights

-Last meeting we welcomed PP Jim and KK visiting us from Malaysia and also PP David from Brunei.

-Our speaker was Rotaract Club’s Goodwill Ambassador Team reporting about Sri Lanka trip. Two GWA gave a vivid pictorial presentation of their visits to orphanages and charity organizations. Above all, they learned much about the local culture and traditions which were so novel . Like one is not supposed to touch the heads of Sri Lankans so one friendly Lankan Rotaractor put on a wig and let our Rtcs and GWA to touch his head.

– Box collection $320.

District/Club Announcements

– July 18 (Fri) 9.30 am – Concordia School for Special Education Graduation Ceremony .

– July 18 ( Fri) 7 pm- Seeing off our two sponsored St Paul’s school students  to UK Youth Summer Camp at Macao Ferry Terminal

– July 19 (Sat) 11.00am – lunch – Visit UMAC new Hengqin campus. 20 Rotarians /guests have registered and welcome more members to join us.

– July 24 (Thurs) – AG Synthia first visit to our Club