Rotary Club of Macau

Invite you to their Annual Ball


“Pirates of the Seven Seas”

Saturday May 30th 2009

As Head Pirate of the Rotary Club of Macau please come to our Pirate Party at the Venetian~Resort~ Hotel 7pm at the Florence Suite, Aaarh!

All Pirates welcome, smart casual Pirates and Sirens welcome too…


Cost  $600 ea.


Dress Code

All Pirates welcome, smart casual Pirates & Sirens welcome too…. AAAR!


The Venetian Macao is well served by Taxis and Courtesy Coaches which can take you to the Peninsular or and any of our Island Locations. There is ample Parking (moorings) available on-site and Courtesy coaches are at hand to take you to any Border Gate or Ferry Point.

Ferry Booking

Cotai Jet

Turbo Jet


Available through Venetian Booking Service or your local agent.



Performances by our own crew, plus captured Minstrels.

  • Live Music
  • Dance
  • Buffet Meal
  • Table Prizes
  • Raffle with Top Prizes
  • Surprise items

If you want to go you can register On-Line {dtregister}2{/dtregister}



Or ContactBall Committee