• Cocktail Reception
  • 06.30pm
  • Opening Video
  • 07.30pm
  • “Silver Screen”
  • Recognition of Guests
  • Opening Speeches by
  • 07.40pm
  • by Ball Chair, 
  • President-Elect Ip Pui Fai &
  • President Elvo Sou
  • Recognition of  Sponsors
  • 07.45pm
  • Diamond Sponsors
  • Gold Sponsors
  • Buffet starts
  • 08.15pm
  • (Organic and eco-friendly food served)
  • Group Photos
  • Raffle Sales
  • Music by Dreamcast
  • 09:00pm
  • Lucky Draw – Part 1
  • 09.45pm
  • Performance by Macau Elvis
  • Music by Dreamcast
  • 10.30pm
  • Lucky Draw -Finalé
  • 11.15pm
  • Music by Dreamcast
  • 11.30pm   
  • The End
  • 12.15am

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