During the pandemic and the measures taken here in Macau, many jobless migrant workers have been unable to return to their homeland. Of these, some with newborn children need help.



Together with the Rotary Club of Penha, the Rotary Club of Macau is helping to provide supplies to Caritas to help these families during this difficult time.

President Jaõa Pinto and with help from our Rotaractor and Interactor Clubs our Club has contributed to their welfare at the Caritas Centre Largo de Santo Agostinho 岡頂前地1-A
Saturday, September 12,  in Macau.

We’re at Casa Ricci, waiting for the stuff to come and bring them inside. Interactions have arrived to help. There are over 60 boxes according to the Rotary Club of Penha .. PP Florence


In Macau Daily