It seems that it has been a long time since we did not have a regular meeting until last Thursday because of the Mid-Autumn Festival.  It was great that we had our Vice President PP Keith back to take his seat at the head table for this Rotary year for the first time. He’s been on a long holiday, longer than he expected when he updated us on his interesting exchange of emails with his boss of the University. I hope he can have more time to work on our 70th Anniversary yearbook now or after December.
We had a very interesting and informative talk from Rtn. Joao on ‘Public broadcasting for minorities’ which aroused much interest from the floor and turned our meeting into a mini forum at the Q&A. Just an initial thought for our community service, we might consider setting up a medical consultation booth, with interpreters for Indonesian or Filipino domestic helpers, on our Blood Donation Day. 

Meeting tomorrow, 29/10 at Reflection, Sands Macau – UK Summer Camp Students

Venetian is full tomorrow and we will move our meeting to the Reflection at Sands Macau (on the Macau side), 6/F, same time, 8 for 8.30 pm. Students from St. Paul’s School will tell us about their first experience in the UK for homestay and how they feel. There is an article on our counterpart District website regarding this visit at the below link
BTW, please let me know if you will be able to attend the meeting tomorrow cos Sands will only prepare the exact no. of food we order. If you don’t tell me today, you may not have your dinner at the meeting

Mark your dates

13/10 – Speaker: Rtn Marc Vernerve Topic TBC
20/10 – Speaker: PDG Eugene Fong on Membership
27/10 – Speaker: Rtn Li Ying Topic TBC
04/11 (Fri) – DG Visit of Area 1, Macau. The regular meeting on 3/11 will be postponed to 4/11. More details to follow.
Yours in Rotary
Stella Kan
Hon Secretary
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