Now,  we have a most wonderful Joint Installation Ceremony last night at Venetian with:- close to 110 members/guests /spouses from Rotary Macau, Rotaract Macau and Rotaract UMSU. The evening was honoured with presence of DG Eugene, IPDG Kenneth, DGN Peter, PDG Anthony and DS Eric and China Liaison Office.

  • DG gave us a very  motivating speech on reaching out to engage members and potential ones to know more about Rotary and her humanitarian goals/activities so we can change and better the lives of those in need. He also reiterated Pres KC’s dream of recruiting more new members this year.
  • All 3 clubs’ outgoing and incoming Presidents shared with us memorable videos of their work last year and  outlook for this year.
  • Pres KC surprised his last year Board with a very meaningful ‘ thank you’ plague with their own names and position inscribed . Check out the pictures in attached link and you can see all the big smiles, hugging and almost kisses to IPP KC from each board member.
  • Keith and David, you have your turn when you are back in  Macao as KC has kept yours safely with him.

     Our President KC has been busy and diligently attending a series of District seminars in HK . Last Sat  Aug 3, he went to District Leadership Seminar and  was complimented by DG Eugene last evening on his commitment to  Rotary, having been a President last year and still invest time in refreshing his President’s role training. This Sat Aug 10 is ” District Committee 2013-14 Year Plan Presentations seminar ” .  Pres KC and I will attend and gather information about each District Committee/Group work/plans so we can share with you  during regular meetings and help  shape/design our own  club plans to synergy with Districts’ vision and goals. Thanks to Pres KC for sparing his family weekends for the benefit of us.

Please be reminded of an exciting line-up of programs for next 3 regular meetings in Aug:-
Aug  15 ( Thurs )          Guest Speaker : Gloria , a music therapist for Macau Association of Autism and she will share with us how music therapy can help on autism healing
Aug   22 ( Thurs)          1st Club Assembly ( For those who cannot attend , please remember to send your proxy to me and Aris latest by Aug 15 .
Aug   29 ( Thurs)          Social Night ( subject to final cfm, will be curry buffet dinner at Westin Hotel. More details to come but please tell  your families and friends now .
                                       Enrolment form will be circulated during coming meeting or you can enroll by emailing to me anytime now.

Remember I write to you about Sunday Aug 18 FuHong society big event of ‘ Largest Soap Mosaic ‘ to break Guinness World Record ?  Our club like to organize a team of at least 10 to join in this meaningful event but we are missing a few. So , pls check you diary and enroll to me. You can bring kids as children will enjoy this exercise a lot..