I wish you all a happy Easter holiday!

On 2nd April, 2015, its “World Autism Awareness Day”. A group of club members joined Macau Autism Association’s “Light It Up Blue” event at Macau Tower. This activity’s purpose is “to face up to” early intervention of Autism and support autistic children. Also, calling the public awareness and needs of these special children.

Meeting Highlights:

    • 2019 RI Convention Bid Update

Our club received an email from DG Belinda regarding the ‘Calling for Your Support to Bid 2019 RI Convention. The 2019 RI Convention Site Inspection Team has completed their capability assessment visit to HK and the District announces that ‘’ This close to winning the Bid ‘. For details, please read via the following link: xxxx. District will be arranging for the passing of a District Resolution 2015 in addition to the 2014 District Resolution confirming the Clubs in D3450 are in support of the bidding of the 2019 RI Convention in HK and that Rotarians also agree to pay a Special Levy IF THE BID IS WON.

HK Rtns- HK$800 each year for consecutive 4 years starting July 2015,
Macau Rtns HK$400 and
Mongolia US$15 respectively.

This District Resolution will be voted on 26th April 2015 during the 55th District Conference. For Levy’s details, I would appreciate it if you could read the DG weekly bulletin emailed to you on 2nd April or click on the above link. The District has also organized a Q & A session at the RIC office this month (will announce the date and time) for clubs/ Rotarians who wish to understand more of the subject matter.

When we receive the District Resolution, the Board will discuss on our club’s position and propose for our members’ support.


  • We had a surprise visit by alumni Bill Prescott after the meeting. He looks well and looks forward to visiting us more often when he is in Macau.
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  • Our April 18 “Green Ball” is drawing close.
  • – Ball tickets are ready for distribution, so please come to next Thursday’s meeting also we need your support to pay for your 5 tickets ($4000) if you have not done so.
  • – For short-expiry packaged food donation, so far we have collected from Kevin, Peter, Maneiras and myself for which we are grateful. But we need more, so please do support the Fountain and Cradle of Hope kids by bringing in yours ASAP before April 15 ( Wed) as there is no meeting on April 16.
    Please call PE Elizabete ( 6638 3738) if you need assistance with the collection.
  • – PP Stella will be helping with table arrangement and hopes to inform you of your table number a few days before the Ball.


Club March Announcements

  • Apr 9 (Thurs) – Joint Rotaract Club meetings with Rotary Club of Macau.
  • Apr 18 (Sat) – @ 7 pm Venetian, “A Touch of Green” Annual Ball
  • Apr 25-26 ( Sat/Sun) 55th District Conference at Regal Airport Hotel, HK.
  • May 23 (Sat) – District Training Assembly at Shatin Jockey Club HK
  • Jun 23 (Tue) – The One Gala Dinner at Regal Airport Hotel HK.

Thank you and see you all on Thursday at Venetian, 9th April 2015 at 8 8:30 pm to meet and encourage our Rotaractors.

Yours in Rotary,
Kevin Lei
President 14-15
RC Macau

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