On 23rd April, 2015, we presented 37 recycled wooden basket centerpiece with packaged goodies from last Saturday ball to Fountain and Cradle of Hope Centers. 77 biscuits packs from Rtn Lei Loi Tak were also donated. The kids and students were all so excited, thanking all Rotarians, Venetian, MFTA as well as Rtn Lei.
For the evening club meeting, lots of lovely pictures from the Ball were showed to the delight of all present. Everyone was recalling on the happy and memorable moments of their guests. PP Kazu’s students had a most intriguing experience till 6 am in next morning but all positive. We will upload all photos to the club website photo gallery shortly.
Ball Chair PE Elizabete, further to her earlier email reporting on the preliminary results of the Ball, updated on an exhilarating news that fund raised so far is $993,500, just $6,500 short of $ 1 million, a record result for our Balls. PE pledged for top up the difference starting with $3000 from her. This immediately received very generous response from P, IPP KC, PPs ( Fred, Ip, Keith, Kazu, Peter, ET , Fatima) present, with $9,000 collected on the spot. Other PPs are most encouraged to pass me yours when we next meet as our Ball account can wait a while longer to close the book just for more kindhearted donations. A BIG thank you to all of you again for making our Club’s ‘ Gift to the World’ a richer one for those in need.
Update 2019 RI Convention Bid
District will be arranging for the passing of a District Resolution 2015 in addition to the 2014 District Resolution confirming the Clubs in D3450 are in support of the bidding of the 2019 RI Convention in HK and that Rotarians also agree to pay a Special Levy IF THE BID IS WON.
HK Rtns- HK$800 each year for consecutive 4 years starting July 2015, Macau Rtns HK$400 and Mongolia US$15 respectively. This District Resolution will be voted on 26th April,, 2015 during 55th District Conference. For details DG Belinda’s letter to all members ‘Calling for Your Support to Bid 2019 RI Convention”, please do read via the following link: https://rotary3450.soofwood.com/?p=12932.
2019 RI Convention Host Organizing Committee Chair PDG YK Cheng and Committee Members hosted 3 Q&A Sessions. I attached file for the “Frequently asked questions and answers” for your perusal.
At last night meeting, all members present had a show of hands for the Special RI Convention levy for Macau Rotarians and the results is our Club will vote ‘AGAINST’ this District Resolution which will be presented for voting during this weekend’s 55th District Conference on Day 2 ( 26th April, 2015).
Box collection – $500.
Club April Announcements
- Apr 25-26 (Sat/Sun) 55th District Conference at Regal Airport Hotel, HK.
- Apr 30 ( Thurs) regular meeting will have a delegation of 10 Chiang Mai Rotarians ( PDG, PP and P) from 4 rotary clubs there to visit our club, thanks to the kind arrangement of PP ET. Please come join to host this Thai delegation.
- May 23 (Sat) – District Training Assembly at Shatin Jockey Club HK
- Jun 6-9 (Sat-Tue) – RI Convention at Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Thank you and see you all on Thursday at Venetian, 30th April, 2015 at 8 for 8:30pm to meet our Thai Rotary friends
Yours in Rotary,
Kevin Lei
President 14-15
RC Macau