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I would like to thank all the members who have helped in putting this book together with me. In particular I would like to thank my co-editor, PP Synthia Pavia and her team and for all the chasing they have done.

Our grateful thanks to all the Past Presidents and members for sharing their memories, and photographs. In particular President KC and PP Keith for their undying support of this project and for the opportunity to do it.

Special thanks to Rotarian Sam Ip, not only for his cover design, but the difficult task in page layout.

Lastly and by no means least, thank you to all our sponsors who have supported us in the past and who still continue to support us.

Sadly, there was much we had to leave out, but we are working to preserve our club history, this booklet forms an integral part in that process. Contributions to the project are being preserved and will be available for those who follow.

Yours in Rotary

PP David Shelton-Smith