Dear Fellow Rotarians

Our 39th club meeting on Thursday was attended by 13 Rotarians ( KC, Kevin, Stella, ET, Gary, Ip, Florence, Synthia, Choi, Peter, Guy , Yasmin and Liz) . We were so happy to welcome back two guests: Guy’s lovely mom and Trent from Macao International School . Box collection was $320.

PP ET as always delighted us talking about  his wonderful time in Chiang Mai last few months . He also introduced two books for us to read: ‘ Changing Landscape of Singapore’ and  Al Gore book on climate change. The book on Singapore apparently offers much insights into the successful factors for Singapore today.  Our thanks to ET for enlightening us with more cultural pursuits.

Guy will be taking his dear Mom on a 10-day tour of Vietnam, continuing his heritage tour. Then, he will be off to Paris so we will miss him in our Annual Ball. Nevertheless, his lovely wife Vicki will come with his Mom to enjoy a hot Brazilian night ! Have a fantastic trip in Vietnam.

Club Announcements

– Regular Meeting Cancellations

–>Apr 24 ( Thurs ) due to Annual Ball on Apr 26.

–>May 1  ( Thurs ) due to Labour Holiday

– Apr 26 67th Annual Ball, our ball tickets are ready so for those who have not yet paid for the 5 tickets , please hurry so we can deliver the tickets to you so you can invite your guests timely. For those who have paid but not yet collect your tickets, pls contact Ball Chair Kevin or Liz.

– June Chartered Social Night at Fat Siu Lao. Date will be advised shortly.